Aw, yeah. Here comes my skeleton pirate. [hider=This is a skeleton pirate] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic neutral [b]Race:[/b] Undead (skeleton) [b]Appearance:[/b] He looks like a skeleton. He wears an eyepatch and pirate captain clothes, sporting a cred and gold pirate coat and a swag-as-hell pirate captain hat. [b]Equipment:[/b] Old cutlass, hand crossbow, old bombs that sometimes work, old pistol that works, old telescope that works pretty well. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Pirate fighting. Somewhat skilled offensive swordplay, honed to fight multiple enemies at once. It employs ‘dirty tricks’ like sucker punches and kicks, but hey – anything goes. Able to use pretty much any one handed weapon to a certain degree of skill. He’s also pretty good at parrying and using a one handed ranged weapon in either hand. [b]Non-Combat Skills:[/b] Excellent sense of direction, adept at climbing ship rigging. Good at navigation, able to use the stars for direction. Good leadership skills. Good at jumping high because he has no flesh, also good at going fast. Quite good at free running. Ambidextrous as a result of necessity but his preferred hand is his right hand. [b]Mana:[/b] Not a lot. Less than a standard human. [b]Magical Schools:[/b] None [hider=Techniques] [i][u]Counter stance[/u][/i] Counter stance is a move that drains mana the longer one is in it. It allows the user to react to single-target attacks with inhuman reflexes, deflecting bullets, arrows and swords with ease. If the attacker is attacking with a melee weapon, counter stance allows the user to land a free riposte. Counter stance counters every attack launched at the user within its time frame but drains mana really fast. Also, the user can’t counter area of effect attacks and they can only counter targeted spells if their weapon allows them to do so. The user can move while using counter stance and even use it in the air, but it takes a lot of mana still. [i][u]Mana steal[/u][/i] With the ungodly power of the undead, the user can suck the life force of things that live. It’s a technique that buffs the user’s attack with the power of stealing-people’s-mana, so this particular ghost pirate can add mana to the list of stuff he pillages. The mana stolen is converted to mana usable by the user, but bleeds out slowly. [i][u]Blade of avarice[/u][/i] Blade of avarice is a move that draws on the user’s monetary possessions and worth of their belongings to increase damage. What the user is considered to ‘own’ varies on the user, and the worth of their belongings is rounded to a standard market price. Basically, the richer you are, the more blade of Avarice does. It takes a bit of mana and is only applicable for a single strike. It is unknown how the ability knows how much your stuff is worth relative to the modern market.[/hider] [b]Artificial Spirit[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Jimmy Lonsby [b]Personality:[/b] Jim likes shiny stuff and is curious. Is a realist to a point. That said, he's a free spirit and likes to do what he wants. He's rather mischievous at times. [b]Talents:[/b] Minor telekinesis, minor chameleon abilities. [/hider] I might edit it later if I find stuff I forgot to add. Edit: Turns out I did forget stuff, kinda. Tweaked Jim's personality.