[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11113/111130781/3582394-5545348978-31028.jpg[/img] [b][i]ATTENTION: FOR THE SAKE OF STORYTELLING, THIS RP IS SET IN A SOMEWHAT ALTERNATE UNIVERSE[/i][/b] [b]The Story So far:[/b] We all know the story but do you know this one?; When Bruce Wayne was a young boy, he was forced to watch helplessly as a mugger named Joe Chill mercilessly gunned down his mother Martha Wayne in cold blood. This single act propelled her husband Thomas to pursue a career in crime fighting. Taking inspiration from his wife’s favourite animal and with the help of best friend and war veteran Alfred Pennyworth he became the first vigilante of Gotham, the first Batman. After the death of his father in a blaze at Wayne Manor, a now adult Bruce decided that the most effective means of avenging the death of his family, was by becoming a fearsome creature of the night and following in the steps of his father, and thus the true Batman was born. For the first few years of his career, Batman operated alone, prowling the rooftops of Gotham City, but on one fateful evening, he watched history repeat itself. A gangster named Boss Zucco murdered John and Mary Grayson, leaving their young son, Dick, an orphan. Bruce Wayne took Dick in, and trained him in the ways of crime-fighting. Dick became the flamboyant Boy Wonder known as Robin. In the intervening years, history continued to repeat and Batman and Robin were joined by others from Gotham who had gone through various tragedy and had been stained with a mark of dark justice. Through the urban decay of Gotham City, the once solitary Batman had now built a solid family of surrogate sons and daughters, a family with the goal of protecting innocent lives from the evil that seems entrenched in the gothic city ground. [b]The Short of it:[/b] Don’t let the title fool you, this is sandbox/slice of life style story of set in modern Gotham. This rpg is about building a universe. THIS IS NOT A SUPERHERO RP. Although the Batman family is the focal point of this rpg, we are not here for smash, bang, kapow beat em up stuff. We are here to become emotionally invested in this new take on the Batman mythos. Of course there will be battles with everyone’s favourite villains but not all the time. Imagine the setting as something akin to Arrow/The Flash or Gotham. I really like what DC is doing on tv right now by making it a believable world of heroes and villains. Superpowers exist, the Justice League and Young Justice exists but they aren’t all that common in Gotham City. This rp is about a fresh take on set characters, so don’t feel like you need to stay true to every little bit of canon stuff from the comics. Maybe you’re an old villain trying to turn over a new leaf? A young hot head who wants to be a hero? Don’t feel restricted. I am open to anything. I would prefer that you choose a character from the comics and put your own spin on it but I am very accepting of OC’s. There is no overarching plot, this is a sandbox game. That said this rp will have an episodic feature which we will use to bring the characters together for in game events. Not to say characters of course will interact over the course of the rp and be awesome together. The episodes are there to keep things exciting. Still with me? Great so let’s see those CS! [b]Character Sheet[/b] - Appearance - Quote - Name - Alias - Age - Occupation - Skills & Abilities - Equipment - Personality & History - Story Arc (This is not needed but if you have an idea for a story, then put it here) - In Costume Appearance