[center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110204153756/theflash/images/0/05/FlashPoint_Deathstroke_Logo.jpg[/img][/center] The motorcycle comes to a stop as I reach my destination: a compound five miles from Gotham. I stash the bike in a nearby bush and set up the sniper rifle, monitoring the patrol patterns. Two snipers on the roof, five roaming the grounds. Not difficult, but the pattern is reminiscent of a man I used to work with. Disconcerting, since that particular man is dead. One patroller walks too close; his mistake. I leap out from my sniper's nest and clasp a hand over his mouth, plunging a combat knife into his throat. His muffled screams don't escape his throat and he lands dead in a ditch, hidden from sight. Readjusting myself behind the sniper rifle, I take aim, and with two quick bursts, kill the snipers on the roof. The patrolmen scatter, unable to find the source of death. To my far right, I see my next target, running to the forest. A bullet to the back of his skull stops him in his tracks, blood spattering the ground. Retracting the bolt, I eject the spent shell, and engage the next round. The next victim falls, and I repeat the process, Three more die by this process, and soon, I walk to the front door. The walls are twelve inch titanium steel, and the door is reinforced steel. I rip the door off of its hinges and startle those inside. Five men guard Bobby Gazzo. Two stand up, but I shoot them in the head with my handgun. Tossing the gun aside, I unsheathe my sword as the last two rush me. A diagonal slice bisects one of them, and tears open the stomach of the other. The final guard stands in front of Gazzo, not entirely confident in his abilities. Unfortunately for him, I [b]am[/b]. The blade tears through his throat, nearly decapitating him, and going through Gazzo's forehead. As I sheathe the blade, The TV nearby crackles to life, showing a man draped in shadow. "Well done, Mr. Wilson, Well done." Immediately I'm on my guard. He knows my name. "Gazzo was a...drag on the organization. Regardless, I have your daughter." The camera' cuts to my daughter, tied to a chair. She's just awakening from a drug induced stupor. "Daddy?" she calls out. Just as those words leave her, the ShadowMan returns. "So you see, If you do my dirty work, Rose lives. You don't, She dies." beneath my mask, my teeth grind. "I'll KILL you for this" Whatever happens, I promise myself, I WILL bring my daughter home.