[color=f7941d][B]Name:[/b][/color] Gherken Grumar (It's actually 'Gra-Umar', but everyone says 'Grumar' because it's easier to pronounce) [color=f7941d][B]Age:[/b][/color] 45 (Born 4E 156) [color=f7941d][B]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=f7941d][B]Race:[/b][/color] Orc [color=f7941d][B]Physical Description:[/b][/color] Being an Orc, Gherken isn't what you'd call conventionally pretty; her face, covered in dark and dull green skin, has a rough, worn quality to it; a wide, upturned nose, an even wider square jaw and eyes that seem to be stuck in a permanent scowl. Her blue-black hair is shaved down the sides of her head, with the wide strip down the middle tied into a tight ponytail. You can tell just from looking at her that she is A) a war veteran, and B) not particularly ladylike. Her face has five scars crisscrossing across it, with even more scars to be found around her large, muscular body. Standing at seven feet tall, she tends to tower over most people she meets, even her fellow Orcs. The only people taller than her are most Altmer. [color=f7941d][B]Skillset:[/b][/color] [b]Expert Skills:[/b] Heavy Armour Two-Handed [b]Adept Skills:[/b] One-Handed Block Light Armour [b]Novice Skills:[/b] Enchanting Sneak [color=f7941d][B]History:[/b][/color] Unlike a lot of Orcs, Gherken didn't grow up in Orsinium or in a Stronghold in the middle of Gods-know-where, but in the cosmopolitan Imperial City of Cyrodiil, back before the place had been ransacked by the Thalmor. Her ancestors had fled to the Imperial Province from Hammerfell over a religious disagreement with the chief of their Stronghold, and since then her family had renounced Malacath worship and instead embraced an unusual secular lifestyle; or as secular as one can get. They know damn well that the Gods, Aedra and Daedra, exist, but chose not to get involved with all the silly praying and grovelling business. After all, they're powerful enough on their own, right? At heart, though, despite this unusual background, Gherken was still raised as an Orc, and while better-educated than a lot of her compatriots, she spent a lot of her early years getting into scuffles on the streets and even flirted with local protection rackets when she really wanted money. Eventually, at the encouragement of her disapproving parents, she chose to join the Imperial Legions in their fight against the Thalmor, who had just begun their invasion of Cyrodiil, her kind being prized for their Berserker abilities. Despite her young age, she managed to join the ranks of the Empire's Orcish shock troops. She fought in many battles, primarily in the Cyrodiil Campaign, killed dozens, if not hundreds, of Thalmor, and was with the Legions during the bloody Battle Of The Red Ring, which ended with the Imperial re-taking of the Imperial City. Unfortunately, not only did the Thalmor eventually force the Empire to capitulate anyway, Gherken later discovered that most of her family in the city had been killed while fighting as part of a civilian resistance. Deciding that there was nothing left for her in the 'civilised' province, she soon quit the Legions and decided to travel Tamriel as an Express Courier. For you see, a being an Express Courier involves taking the fastest route possible, which usually requires travelling in a straight line through dangerous, uninhabited backwaters infested with rabid beasts and monsters. Thus, Gherken was well-qualified for the job due to her accumulated physical strength and military experience. During her travels, she came to meet a lot of diverse people, learnt about different cultures and, perhaps most strangely, began to teach herself how to do enchanting. She didn't see herself as some kind of grand adventurer, though; just a heavily-armed (and well-paid) postwoman. She sends a fraction of her gold to one of her last surviving cousins in north Elsweyr, as a sort of 'retirement fund' for when the time comes, and spends the rest on travel expenses and boatloads of alcohol. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst during her most recent job; while in Northern Black Marsh, she was hired to deliver a package to a Daedra researcher in Skyrim, and was promised a lot of gold as long as she didn't look inside. While this was not the first time such a stipulation had been made, her curiosity got the better of her and she discovered she was carrying a Great Sigil Stone, a relic of the Oblivion war several centuries ago. She had hoped to re-seal the container, deliver it anyway, and get away scot-free, but unfortunately the Daedra Researcher (who was under no obligation to actually fulfil his end of the bargain, Express Couriers not being part of a wider organisation) found her out and decided to sic some Dremora minions on her. Without paying her. A trip to a dive bar later, she discovered that there weren't any local Courier jobs available for some time, and she was running short on cash thanks to all the travelling and the whole getting screwed out of her pay thing, even if that was admittedly her own fault. But it seemed she had added some points to her Luck stat that night, as some agents of a fellow called 'The Collector' approached her for a special job... [color=f7941d][B]Equipment:[/b] [/color] [list][*] Customised, stripped-down Orcish Armour. Essentially a sleeveless chainmail shirt with a high collar and what is essentially an armoured Orcish corset over the top, along with that armoured skirt thing that I don't know what it's called. She also wears fingerless gauntlets and boots which leave her toes exposed. Her arms and legs are also exposed, supposedly to help with mobility, but mostly so she can show off her muscles. [*] Orcish Battleaxe with an Absorb Health enchantment; i.e., damage to her opponents will heal her own wounds. [*] Orcish Dagger, for utility purposes mostly. [*] A large Courier bag, in which she usually carries packages. It can carry other things, too, like Beer, food, Beer, Stamina Potions, Beer, her prized Journal, and Beer. Also, Beer. [*] As a corollary to her Armour, her boots are enchanted to grant her extra stamina, allowing her to run faster and for longer, swing her weapon at full power, and perform other physically demanding activities without getting exhausted.[/list] [color=f7941d][B]Known Spells:[/b] [/color] [list][*] Berserker Rage (Racial Power) [/list] [color=f7941d][B]Party Control:[/b] [/color] Yes [i]NOTE: Regarding her history, I checked the timeline and Skyrim does indeed take place in 4E 201; the Great War began in 4E 171, and she enlisted with the Legion while the war was underway, in 4E 172. She would have been 16 years old at the time, which seems reasonable for a medieval state in the middle of a vast war. Just saying because I suspected you'd ask about it.[/i]