A faint shiver runs down his spine as he looks upon the stranger. The water falling from the sky seems to strangely hug his body as he casts his face skyward into the torrent. [i]'I know not if I shiver from the cold, or this odd feeling inside me. I do know that there is something different about this man. I know too that I senses it earlier, but I simply did not know what to make of it'[/i] His eyes trail after the man as he enters and his thoughts cloud for a moment. [i]'I still don't know what do make of it, but for now, I will endeavor to be a good host'[/i] Slipping inside behind the taller man Viltez shakes off a bit of the rain from his hair and moves past him to the hearth. Out of the corner of his eye he sees the other looking around his home with what looks like a critical eye. The faint note of disappointment is not lots on the young man's sharp ears and he can suppress a chuckle as he kneels beside the woodpile. “No need to be polite sir. I know my home is humble, but it serves me right. I can tell you are use to more beautiful sights and surroundings by the care you give those things precious to you in your hair.” Pulling out some of the larger logs he sets them on the lip of the hearth before grabbing up smaller ones for the kindling. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable while I get the fire started.” Turning he smiles up at the man and points towards the wash room. “If you wish to wash up or relive yourself, the washroom is over there.” Turning back to his work he adds, “I'll start on a meal as soon as I am finished, if you'd care to stay for it.” He chuckles. “I am no great cook, but I get along well enough on the food I prepare.” Viltez has never felt the urge to collect things in his life, so other than the bare necessities his home indeed looks rather bare. The only things he owns that have no use save for the value they have inside of his heart are locked away inside his room, beneath a pile of winter blankets. [i]'It's not like I wouldn't want a beautiful home, I simply haven't figured out what to do with it yet. I have what I need, and for now, that's good enough'[/i] He smiles as he recalls the only other time someone has entered his home save for himself. A young girl, unbeknownst to him at the time, who wished to court him had practically invited herself in. He'd talked her out of the front door quickly enough, but not before she offered to add “A woman’s touch” to the abode. [i]'She was such a child then. She's married now. I hope she's happy'[/i] He works quickly and soon there is a roaring fire. Tossing on some of the large logs he pokes it a few times to make sure it will stay lit properly.