Anna was happy to see a real meal. She was starving and took a bite right away. Then she returned to the safety of being cuddled up against Tom. She had learned to be grateful for the moments in the field where they would brush against each other, but having him here was so much better. "They're alright, everyone is recovering. But mom is starting to ask about me." She frowned a bit. "She wants me to come home, says it's not safe for me out here." Of course that would mean both of her identities would have to go home. The hand on Tom's knee told him it would take a lot for her to leave. She still gave him subtle hints, hidden away. It was habit, she had to hide herself so much that she just did it all the time now. She took another bite of her food, letting the taste fill her mouth. She did everything she could to hide that she was enjoying a cooked meal. MRE's just weren't the same, neither was hall food when they were at a base camp. Then she returned to her spot cuddled against Tom. "You know I think she may just want me to hurry up and marry you and start a family." She blushed saying that, cause she wanted it too but had to wait. "She just wants grand babies and I don't blame her. With the war everyone seems to be having kids except our family so I think she maybe be worried." She smiled at him from ear to ear. "I told her out babies would be so incredibly adorable the wait would all be worth it." Even in this dimly lit room Anna's blush could be seen. She rested a hand on his chest and looked him in the eyes.