[color=red][b]Appearance[/b][/color]:[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/474x/57/c5/e8/57c5e8b53926f37d4285fbea6657547c.jpg[/img] 5'11, tall and wiry, with short, messy black and red hair that she is constantly pushing back from her face, [color=red][b]Name[/b][/color]: Laree Belmont [color=red][b]Age[/b][/color]: 25 [color=red][b]Gender[/b][/color]: female [color=red][b]Likes[/b][/color]: VR, ghosting, hanging out with friends [color=red][b]Dislikes[/b][/color]: Shopping and malls, reality (most of the time), brussel sprouts, most of her jobs (former and current) [color=red][b]Personality traits[/b][/color]: Laree tends to be withdrawn and quiet, until she really gets to know someone. She can also be very stubborn when she wants. She spent most of her time over the past several years in the virtual reality worlds and games of the net, so she is not as comfortable dealing with real life people and situations. She tends to be suspicious of people, but once someone takes the time to get to know her she is a good friend, though she can be rather abrupt and sarcastic at times. [color=red][b]Backstory[/b][/color]: Laree grew up lower class in the grimy streets of the Dark Quarter. From early on she knew she'd have to fight for anything she wanted and to prove herself. Her parents were okay, nice enough people she supposed, but she decided to get the heck outta dodge as soon as she could. At 17, she moved out and got her own place, working one meaningless and mind-numbing job after another to pay the bills, each just a filler until the end of her day when she could get back to the VR. Parties, ghosting and VR games became her escape and she supposed she wasn't particularly different from her peers in that respect. She had played in the VR since she was old enough to figure out how to access it, but now she began spending every waking she wasn't at work moment in the virtual reality games and worlds she could play and create. Meeting her current group of friends kept her from going off the deep end and staying plugged 24/7, but she still devotes a good bit of time to her games and worlds and is more at home there than in real life. [color=red][b]Other stuff[/b][/color]: Laree tends to carry several knives secreted all over her body all of the time (a girl can never be too careful), along with her Springfield XD 9 mm handgun in a thigh holster.