[@Song Book] I have no problem with different cultures having different names for things. But when the topography used in his sheet literally [i]does not exist[/i] on the full map, I [b]do[/b] have a problem with that. All I did was point out that mistake for him to correct, and you decided to respond with passive aggression, and condescension. Do you expect me to be sorry for giving constructive feedback? Sorry, but I'm not, and never will be. You say you know where he put his claim. Feel free to point out where it lies on the full map, but I promise you that it does not exist. If the map is not final, then why lay claims? Is it not better to wait until the map is finalized to lay claims, instead of claim areas that no longer exist? [@McHaggis] and I are just trying to help, and you refuse to even listen to what we have to say. With all due respect, that isn't a good quality to have in a GM.