The only thing she could hear was the sound of wind rushing past her, and she reveled in the sensation of weightlessness. Van opened her eyes and looked longingly at the bright, blue sky above of her; clouds drifted gently past and seemed to be shrinking in size by the second. Her clothes rippled with the wind and the dog tags around her neck reached towards the sky. She closed her again again, reveling in the sensation of the rushing wind and weightlessness before snapping them open and flailing her arms to find a hold. She was falling-- She turned to look at the ground, quickly approaching, and opened her mouth in the imitation of a scream before she was plunged into a warm pool of water. It was deep, she thought, as her body recoiled from the impact. Her side stung and ached, having hit the water at an uncomfortable angle, but she was otherwise fine. Van kicked her feet and flapped her arms wildly, struggling to reach the surface. She reached out, fingers breaching the surface of the water and emerged, sputtering for air. She was in a pool of water, surrounded by forestry further away on all sides. A small waterfall rushed to her right, and it scared her to think of how close she was to landing on solid ground. Van reached the edge of the water and dug her fingers in grass and dirt, heaving herself out of the pond. It took considerable effort to get out of the water; her body felt heavy and her soaked clothes refusing to cooperate. Her feet danged over the water, and she rolled over onto her back, shedding her black leather jacket. The sky was a beautiful blue and the sun shone gently on her—the same view that was so peaceful moments earlier, now seemed so unfamiliar. She lied still for a few moments before the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps came from above. She tilted her head backwards to see the figure of a boy. “Uhm,” she said, anervously bending her neck to look at the boy who hovered above of her,”..Hi?"