Name : Thanatos Age : looks 20 Greek god of Death Picture : - since Thanatos is the god of death, he has absolute control over death, and the dead, as well as the ability to kill someone with a touch. As part of his duties, Thanatos is able to separate the dead from the living. He captures souls trying to escape from the Underworld and sends them back. - as the god of death, Thanatos is usually in complete control of the Doors of Death, and is able to quickly pass between the world of the living and the dead - with the help of his huge black wings, Thanatos can quickly glide through the air, which helps him capture souls at very high speeds. Weapon : Thanatos also owns a long scythe [img][/img] His pet the Legendary hound, Jesi, Said to be a soul snatcher hound, Utlra speed as well as demonic howl/snarl and bark that can scare anyone away [img][/img] The humans see this [img][/img] Name : Hypno Age : looks 19 Race : Greek god of Sleep Powers - s the god of sleep, he has divine authority over sleep. His signature power that allows to him induce sleep, visions and even manipulate dreams in a very similar way that of his son Morpheus, but to a much more powerful degree -Hypnos can change his appearance into anything that he wants to be, and has been known to turned into a bird in the past. Personality : Though not a villain or immoral, Hypnos is far from being the most responsible or honorable god to exist. He has been said to do nothing much but sleep, and didn't play a role in the last Second Olympian War, implying that he is a lazy god (if not the laziest). He also show to be very cowardly in the past, having hid himself in his mother's arms to avoid Zeus' anger. [img][/img] True form [img][/img] His champion - A hawk whos wings sprinkle sleep powder over the world. can grow the size of a house. [img][/img]