Anna noticed the monster was not after her. Anna looked around, she could sense a few people were probably hanging around in the village still. Villagers who still hadn't cleared the village yet. Anna let out a sigh of frustration as she told them to clear the area and go to another more safe town immediately. "Now you've done it... Hyahhh!!" Anna struck the monster, but she missed the first swipe. Sweat beaded her forehead, the monster was now facing her back and so she turned around and swung again. The monster was cut in half, but it's head still growled. IT was still alive. The monster saw 3 people out in the clearing and like a mad thing it was, it dived after the boy with the super organism. "Drat, this monster goes for the easy targets!" Anna ran towards the legless body that was going towards the boy and Aqua. Monster blood trailed the dirt road where she had cut off it's bottom torso. Anna soon saw a woman come from the tavern of Mayflower who rushed into the scene.