[hider= A6][b]Name:[/b] Anneliese "Anelie" Allen Addler Aldo Ace Abell [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Anelie is described by most as gorgeous. She's tall, standing above most other girls her age. Her skin is free of any blemishes and is a snow white color. Her hair falls to her knees in a red sheet of smooth, soft, silky hair. Her hair is bright red, getting her a slight resemblance to a Weasley. But the rest of her makes up any confusion one might have. Anelie has blood red lips and deep eyes. Her eyes are an electric blue color flecked with gold and green. Rimmed by dark, long eyelashes, Anelie's eyes are one of her most charming features. [b]Personality:[/b] Anelie has quite a few unlikable traits. She is anti-social. She has a short temper, though she sticks with her decisions. With her strong will and cunning mind, Anelie has figured out how to break people, how to trick them into thinking what she wants them to. But Anelie isn't a bad person. She doesn't like to prank people or anything like that, she thinks of that as low. She isn't the nicest person but Anelie can be a great friend if you get close enough to her. [b]Backstory:[/b] Anelie was born as Anneliese Allen Addler Ace. Her mother, Marianne Addler, was a young German woman, married to a french husband, Bernt Ace. Anelie and her mother lived with her mother and father in France, where she soon became fluent in German and French. When Anelie was a toddler her parent's relationship started turning sour. When Anelie was seven her parents divorced. A year later, on a trip to London, Anelie's mother got remarried. He new husband was an englishman, Simeon Abell. Anelie's name changed, along with the rest of her life. When Anelie turned ten, her mother told her two secrets. The first was that Marie was a witch. It had taken Anelie a while to believe that, only persuaded when her mother had shown her real magic in private. The second was that she was the child of an italian wizard by the name of Desi Aldo, a result of a short relationship. At this time Adelie was already quite mature and wasn't terribly shocked by the second secret. In fact she simply added Aldo into her already long name and began to study Italian, curious about the language. When she turned eleven, Anelie received a letter from Hogwarts and decide she would go there, caring not what her parents thought. [b]Strengths:[/b] Anelie is good with foreign languages. She is also god at running and extremely smart. He interests in languages and curses have pursued her to do independent research in those areas. Anelie also has a good amount of strength, good stamina, strong will, and is quite mature. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Anelie doesn't trust people easily, nor does she like other people in generally. She prefers books over people, though is good at using her wits. Her anti-social personality can sometimes lead to her being bad at conversation. She also has a short temper, and is quick to retaliate. [b]House:[/b] Slytherin [b]Wand:[/b] 13', Cherry, Core of Dragon Heartstring [b]OWLs:[/b] Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfigurations, Charms, Divination, Astrology, Ancient Runes [b]NEWTs[/b] Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfigurations, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes [b]Accolades:[/b] / [b]Other:[/b] Bisexual. Fluent in German, French, Italian and English good with most other languages. Signs her name as A[sup]6[/sup]. [/hider]