[IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w35/Megan_Watkins/crystal2_zpsnmbsw8w5.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Elise Marlowe [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Physical Description:[/b] Elise is of average height (around 5'6") and slender build, with fair skin that doesn't tan very much in the sun. Her dark brunette hair is long, naturally wavy, and typically worn down and loose, but she can be seen wearing back in a messy ponytail when she's working or just needs it out of the way. Elise's eyes are also a dark brown color. [b]Personality:[/b] An introverted individual, Elise has always been rather quiet and as a child was unbearably shy and slow to make friends. She has since outgrown her shyness and is more comfortable around new people, but she still doesn't like large crowds. She's not the sort who attends parties frequently and prefers smaller, quieter gatherings, but will occasionally allow herself to be dragged to one by her friends. Elise is very cautious, sometimes a bit too much, and rarely acts impulsively and does something unexpected. She's also diligent and dedicated when it comes to work, and she's worked for everything she has. [b]History:[/b] The youngest of three daughters, Elise's mother died when she was young. Her father struggled to support his family and often worked long hours and double shifts. The sisters learned to take care of one another, and as they grew older did more and more to help their father. Elise understood from an early age that if she wanted to go to college to pursue her dream of journalism and writing she would have to make a lot of it happen herself. So she studied hard in school t get the grades for a scholarship and managed to work as a waitress through both high school and college to help her father pay for it. After college and earning a journalism degree she got a job as an assistant in the office for an online news company, and Elise is determined to work her way up the ranks. [b]Skills:[/b] Writing. Reading. Research. Staying out of trouble.