[b]Name:[/b] Hamlin Sorrel [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality/ Race:[/b] Almoren [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090628180718/dragonage/images/4/4f/Humans_-_Noble.jpg[/img] [b]Physical Description:[/b] Of a fairly average height at 5 feet 8 inches, Hamlin is a well-built man, toned by years of combat. Heavy, hooking brows overshadow his sharp eyes, while a goatee rests on his chin, long hair hanging behind his head. He usually wears a suit of specially crafted plate armor on his chest and arms, with a dark blue cloak and pants. [b]Personality:[/b] A bastard, plain and simple. Hamlin is prone to boasting about his accomplishments, never letting those close to him, few as they are, have a word in the matter of how they contributed. His arrogance usually pushes him to stupid actions despite his knowing what such a course will entail. [b]History:[/b] Hamlin Sorrel was the first and only son of a noble family in the kingdom of Almoren. Raised from an early age to become the High Seat of House Sorrel, Hamlin instead reveled in combat, finding his joy there. With the Trolloc Wars ravaging the lands, this provided him with many chances to test his skills, forming his own personal band of soldiers with which he hunted groups of Trollocs. That is, until the death of his father. At the age of 30, he was left the inexperienced High Seat of a house in a falling nation. He now tries to preserve his family line as best he can. [b]Skills:[/b] Close to a Blademaster in terms of his sword skills Generally good at combat [b]Strengths and Weakness:[/b] [i]Strengths[/i] Skilled swordsman Skilled horseman Shrewd diplomat Able to access vast sums of money [i]Weaknesses[/i] Arrogant Ineffective leader Generally friendless Several political enemies [b]Other:[/b]