[center][img]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/347/e/9/persona_3_4_tarot_card_deck_hr___the_devil_arcana_by_enetirnel-d6xr6ic.png[/img][/center] [hider=Ito Ishioka][b]Name:[/b] Ito Ishioka [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ba/ff/66/baff666f7afdf7d6ac7ceb1368a7c4fc.jpg[/img] [b]Arcana:[/b] Devil [b]Personality:[/b] Ito is a very arrogant young man believing himself to be the greatest thing since sliced bread often bragging about how great he is and how great it is to be him. He takes great pride in telling those around him how insignificant they are and how everyone should strive to be like him. He is known to be a bit of a spendthrift barely willing to give anything he has to anyone for any reason. Through all of his pomp and fluff Ito seems to be hiding something deep withing himself that he keeps bottled up, possibly from his lack of trust of anyone around him. [b]Equipment/Skills:[/b] [i]School Uniform[/i]-Pretty self explanatory [i]Charming[/i]- Even with all of his faults Ito manages to give off the suave air about him. Women can’t help but flock to him [i]Silver Tongue[/i]- Ito can make almost anyone believe everything he says [i]Straight-Edged Razors[/i]- Ito carries two Razors made of silver. [b]Background:[/b] Ito grew up as the literal embodiment of being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Born as the son of a wealthy businessman and successful lawyer for a mother Ito was given everything that he ever wanted the whole of his life. As he grew older and made his way through middle school he began bullying other kids in his school to get what he wanted, which included everything from coffee drinks to lunch money. It wasn't until that a girl killed herself after she came home from school one day, supposedly because of Ito's bullying, that his parent's started taking notice. When he was confronted about his behavior in school Ito simply replied that it wasn't his fault that the other kids couldn't be like him. Seeing a disturbing tend arising in their son, Ito's parents sent him to live with his aunt and uncle in Warakuma Town just outside of Tokyo in the hopes that he might learn to temper his destructive behavior. [b]Persona:[/b] Mephistopheles [b]Appearance:[/b][hider][img]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h411/awean8/Baal.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] [hider=Abilities][i]Maragion[/i]-Medium Fire damage (all foes) [i]Allure[/i]-Inflicts Charm on a group of enemies [i]Fire Amp[/i]-Strengthens Fire attacks by 50% [i]Mind Charge[/i]-Next Fire, Ice, Elec, Wind, or Almighty magical attack will be 250% greater in power.[/hider] [/hider]