[hider=WIP] [u]Personal[/u] Name: Amanda Smith Occupation: Journalist Nationality: American Birthplace: Baltimore Mental Disorders: None Bio: Amanda Smith was born 1893 in Baltimore, MD, to a pair of lower-class parents. When her mother died of tuberculosis, she was expected to seek employment at the age of 10 - however, this was around the time pressure was put on factories that hired children, and she was turned down. The best she could do to help her father was beg on the street. During her time, though, she saw quite a few things that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. She had a knack for writing and was able to sell a few articles to local papers under the name 'A. Smith'. When she was old enough, she was hired by one of her publishers to work as a full-time journalist. She was able to begin relaxing then, reading and beginning to study writing and past news articles in an attempt to improve her own work. She's also taught herself how to operate a camera and has been trying to learn Chinese due to the number of Chinese workers in her city. She later received a better offer and moved away from her hometown. Considering some attitudes to a female reporter, Amanda's learned how to move quietly and keep things hidden, physically and emotionally, from those she speaks to in order to avoid trouble. To her, anything interesting is worth following up on for a news story, even if she can't always explain how it happened. Inventory: One notebook, three pencils, a velveteen clutch purse, a pair of cotton gloves, five dollars, a matchbox, and a pair of reading glasses. Home inventory: A few books on American history, a typewriter, four brass candlestick holders and several tallow candles, and a charm from one man she interviewed that supposedly wards off evil spirits (its actual effectiveness is unknown though it's nailed into the wall anyhow and cannot be removed without assistance). [u]Characteristics[/u] STR-6 CON-10 POW-12 DEX-10 APP-14 SIZ-9 INT-12 EDU-12 LUCK-60 IDEA-60 KNOW-60 SAN-60 HP-10 [u]Character Skills[/u] Accounting-10 Anthropology-1 Archaeology-1 Art-(Specify)-5 Astronomy-1 Bargain-5 Biology-1 Chemistry-1 Climb-40 Conceal-35 Credit Rating-15 Dodge-20 Drive Auto-20 Electrical repair-10 Fast Talk-30 First Aid-30 Geology-1 Hide-40 History-40 Jump-25 Law-5 Library Use-60 Listen-35 Locksmith-1 Martial Arts-1 Mechanical Repair-20 Medicine-5 Natural History-25 Navigate-10 Occult-5 Operate Heavy Machine-1 Other Language(Chinese)-41 Own Language(English)-75 Persuade-55 Pharmacy-1 Photography-40 Physics-1 Pilot(Specify)-1 Psychoanalysis-1 Psychology-25 Ride-5 Sneak-40 Spot Hidden-55 Swim-25 Throw-25 Track(Specify)-10 Axe-20 Blackjack-40 Club-25 Knife-25 Sabre-15 Sword-20 Handgun-20 Machinegun-15 Rifle-25 Shotgun-30 Submachine Gun-15 Fist/Punch-50 Head Butt-10 Kick-25 Grapple-25[/hider] I do have a couple questions, I guess - are we rolling and going on the honor system, do you roll for us, or are rolls being done on a system like roll20? Also, how many points do we get for characteristics? EDIT: Stats done, dice rolls [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/search/1560640/]here.[/url] EDIT THE SECOND: Think I've done the skills correctly.