Well, I suck at choosing theme songs. I've spent the last twenty minutes going through all the songs I know and I've come up with Na-da. Suggestions would be very welcome. [hider=June Winslow "Raven"][center][img]http://www.wallpaperfo.com/thumbnails/detail/20120427/world%20of%20warcraft%20knights%20fantasy%20art%20armor%20paladin%20artwork%20warriors%20fan%20art%20warcraft%20chenbo%201450_www.wallpaperfo.com_37.jpg[/img][/center] [b]BASIC INFO[/b] [list][*][b]n a m e[/b] » June Winslow [*][b]n i c k n a m e s[/b] » Raven [*][b]g e n d e r[/b] » Female [*][b]a g e[/b] » 34 [*][b]r a c e[/b] » Human [*][b]s e x u a l i t y[/b] » Asexual [*][b]f a c t i o n[/b] » Herself [*][b]r e l i g i o n[/b] » Neither, but she supports the New over the Old [*][b]o c c u p a t i o n[/b] » Mercenary[/list] [b]INNER SELF[/b] [list][*][b]a p p e a r a n c e[/b] » June has brown eyes and auburn hair. In the right light her hair appears almost purple. There is also blonde streaks in the front, framing her face. June has aged well over the years and doesn't have many noticeable scars, but if you were to see her without her armour, you'd see she has many. She has a very distinctive scar of a Raven on her shoulder which started her nickname. In keeping with the theme she has had Ravens added to her armour. [*][b]p e r s o n a l i t y[/b] » June tries to be a very dour person. She frowns and grumbles but it's all a facade. She likes nothing more than to laugh and to "let her hair down". She'll often find herself laughing in the middle of battle or at other inopportune times. This leads other people to think she's crazy, and maybe she is. She is easily distracted by contests and loves a good fight. She doesn't choose her jobs on the amount of money. Rather she judges by skill, enjoyment and consequences. [*][b]h i s t o r y[/b] » June was orphaned at an young age. She never knew if her parents abandoned her of it they had died. She was raised by farmers, a rather austere religious couple. Her father had never really approved of her violent tendencies, but couldn't stop her from getting into trouble. When it became apparent she was going to get herself killed or worse if she didn't know how to properly defend herself he hired an old soldier who lived in their same small town. He taught June how to use a sword and the creeds that he had lived by. In her own manner she absorbed everything he taught and kept only what she wanted. In the end she had a very peculiar blend of sword fighting and dirty fighting. At the age of nineteen after she turned down the idea of marriage to another man, she ran away from home. On one of her various adventures she fell in with a mercenary group and learned more from them. However she left after only a few months. Being the sole girl in a group of me wasn't the best situation. On her way out she stole quite a bit of money, enough to start her own band, consisting of herself. By the time she was twenty six she had a name for herself and was recognized as a mercenary. [*][b]l i k e s[/b] »[list][*] [*]Laughing [*]Flowers [*]Fighting [*]Being the Best[/list] [*][b]d i s l i k e s[/b] » [list][*]Losing [*]Dogs [*]Hot/Spicy Food [*]Liars[/list] [*][b]f l a w s[/b] » [list][*]Very Competitive. She always has to be better and makes a competition out of everything. [*]Tends to tell the truth even if it's detrimental [*]Might be Crazy [*]Violent Tendencies [*]Self Centered. If she think she might die, she'll leave you.[/list][/list] [b]SO UNCIVILIZED![/b] [list][*][b]w e a p o n s[/b] » [list][*]Bastard Sword [*]Boot Knife [*]Sword Swords (2) For Dual Wielding [*]Crossbow[/list] [*][b]a b i l i t i e s[/b] » [list][*]Brute Strength [*]Battle minded/tactics [*]Winning made up contests [*]Talking a million miles a minute[/list][/list] [b]BEHIND THE SCENES[/b] [list][*][b]p o s t c o l o r (s)[/b] » [color=Brown]Brown[/color] [*][b]t h e m e s o n g s[/b] » MUSIC HERE[/list] Blue Demon[/hider]And this is what i got. Feel free to suggest changes or if I need to add more.