[img]http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr72/alexgormankiddo/RP%20Characters/0c32ca98-a065-4d56-89ac-f82d5b790e68_zps12f1c115.jpg[/img] [b]BASIC INFO[/b] [list] —— [b]n a m e[/b] » Elrin Daren Hawke —— [b]n i c k n a m e s[/b] » Elrin, Arbiter Hawke, El —— [b]g e n d e r[/b] » Male —— [b]a g e[/b] » 31 —— [b]r a c e[/b] » Human —— [b]s e x u a l i t y[/b] » Heterosexual —— [b]f a c t i o n[/b] » The Ferrerian Empire —— [b]r e l i g i o n[/b] » Elrin is a loyal disciple of the Last-born —— [b]o c c u p a t i o n[/b] » Arbiter in the Imperial Army[/list] [b]INNER SELF[/b] [list] —— [b]a p p e a r a n c e[/b] » Elrin is of average height and has an athletic build, being both strong and lean. Elrin has more than his fair share of scars on his body. Every scar comes with a story. When Elrin isn't on duty (which isn't often) he's generally wearing a linen shirt and linen pants. When he's on duty he can often be seen wearing the [url=http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr72/alexgormankiddo/ElrinArmor_zps95f8750e.jpg]armor[/url] of the Arbiter. —— [b]p e r s o n a l i t y[/b] » Elrin is an arbitrary man, often times making decisions on his own without restriction for the sheer fact he knows what he's talking about before anyone else. He has a temper colder than ice. He's a leader at heart and has little tolerance for those who insist on being fool hearty. This isn't to say he doesn't care, he is simply one to keep what he feels bottled up, for deep down he is in pain and is one to form bonds over time. —— [b]h i s t o r y[/b] » Elrin was born in a small village on the outskirts of Almeria. He had humble beginnings. His father was a soldier for the Emperor, his mother a healer. They were neither poor nor were they rich. When the rebellion was beginning to reach it's peak, his father was one of the first sent to where the fighting was bloodiest. He never came back. It pained Elrin a great deal, for he didn't know the fate of his father. It is tradition in the Imperial army to gather the deceased's horse and weapons should they die beside their brothers in arms, and bring them to the family to tell them how they died. No one ever came. No indication of how his father died or where. He would be forced to grow up quickly to support his mother. When he reached the age of 13, Elrin joined the ranks of the Imperial Army. It was apparent from the moment his superiors first saw him cleave dummies to pieces that he was skilled with a blade. They could see the anger that coursed through his veins, something that drove him through hell and back as he cleaved dummy after dummy to pieces. Within a few years, he was officially a soldier of the Empire. Within weeks, he was marching to the front lines of any conflict that demanded the attention of the Empire. The rebellion, disputes between the races, wherever the Empire was needed, he was there fighting on the front lines. He was a loyal soldier, unorthodox perhaps but loyal nonetheless. For his loyalty, he was given the title of Arbiter. The Arbiters are an elite group selected from any of the species of Ferreria, their primary responsibility is to preserve the stability of the country by whatever means necessary. Though they are generally considered as being above the law and have complete discretion as to the methods used to accomplish their mission, they still must answer to the Emperor and the council. —— [b]l i k e s[/b] » - A hot meal after a long day - Ale after a battle - The dwerog - Fae Woman - The occasional moment of peace and quiet - Spending time with his mother when possible —— [b]d i s l i k e s[/b] » - Risar - The Free People of Ferreria - Fool Hearty Individuals —— [b]f l a w s[/b] » Elrin is a hardened man and isn't easily angered but god help the person unfortunate enough to get on his bad side. His hatred for the rebels drives him to fight though fighting rebels sometimes sends him into a blood lust type state. He'll cut down any rebel in sight if he gets into this state, soldier or not.[/list] [b]SO UNCIVILIZED![/b] [list] —— [b]w e a p o n s[/b] » - [url=http://peterku.deviantart.com/art/pipe-sword-185261547]The Blade of the Arbiter[/url], a masterpiece crafted by the most skilled of the dwerog craftsman, using only the best materials available - Dagger —— [b]a b i l i t i e s[/b] » Elrin has a working knowledge of herbology, knowing just what herbs can heal a body thanks to his mother. His father trained him how to handle a blade along with his trainers at the Imperial Academy[/list] [b]BEHIND THE SCENES[/b] [list] —— [b]p o s t c o l o r (s)[/b] » Normal Text, "[b][color=darkred]Talking[/color][/b]" —— [b]t h e m e s o n g s[/b] » [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KprhbblarHU]Cradle to the Grave - Five Finger Death Punch[/url][/list] Mister Grimm