Remliel huffed as she watched everyone leave. It looked like that fracas was over. "Aah, whatever. Now what was I supposed to be doing again?" she asked herself. "Right, schedule and room number." Hefting the nearly two ton weights over her shoulders along with her bag, Remliel proceeded to the counter to get her necessities. Afterwards she made her way up to her room. As soon as she got there, she pulled out her key to open it only to realize it was already opened. [i]Oh goody, it looks like my roommates are already here,[/i] she thought. [@The ghost in black] Remliel swung the door with enough force to cause it to bang loudly against the wall. "Heeelllloooooo~ roomy!" she announced cheerfully. She glanced at the only person in the room, Erin, and grinned. "Hey there, looks like we'll be roommates from now on, nice to meet ya~"