Charlie gave pause at Aeris' quick comment about the less-than-savory accommodations of Driftveil City. "Uhhh..." Hesitant to answer, he looked on as Aeris sprinted off, barreling into the Pokemon lab with reckless abandon. He gave a slow, confused look towards Fary. "Did she say she got lost in the sewers once...?" He mumbled uneasily to the trainer. From his experiences, sewers weren't really a place kids could just accidentally wander into, so the visualization of such a situation threw him through a bit of a loop. [i]"Guess things are different in the big city..."[/i] "Uh, hey, wait up-" He broke into a nervous trot, in attempts to catch up to the redhead. "Alright, i'm here-[i]whoa[/i]-" He slowed in his approach, eyes trawling over every cracked wall and blown out window as he carefully made his way through the building. [i]"The hell happened to this place...?"[/i] It was clear the lab was in utter disarray. If it weren't for the other kids lurking about, he would've concluded the place run-down and abandoned. There looked to be a older male, and a much younger girl (the one currently being space invaded by Aeris). Charlie opted to approach the guy. "This [i]is[/i] the Pokemon lab...right?" He asked, still looking about the place. "You here for the region challenge?" As he queried, Quinn perked up, meekly picking up her head to sniff at the stale air.