[center][img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Sacrilege%20War%20Redux/adrian-smith-chaos-double-spread1a_Lordcrop_zpsdxxucsto.jpg~original[/img][/center] [b]BASIC INFO[/b] [list] —— [b]n a m e[/b] » Saugh Chu’ai —— [b]n i c k n a m e s[/b] » The Consecrated —— [b]g e n d e r[/b] » Male —— [b]a g e[/b] » 36 —— [b]r a c e[/b] » Human (Foreign) —— [b]s e x u a l i t y[/b] » Heterosexual —— [b]f a c t i o n[/b] » Old Gods / Chonusu Empire / Warband of the Consecrated —— [b]r e l i g i o n[/b] » Old Gods —— [b]o c c u p a t i o n[/b] »Champion / Warlord[/list] [b]INNER SELF[/b] [list] —— [b]a p p e a r a n c e[/b] » The majority of Chu’ai’s head is shaven, save for a lock of hair at the top that runs down the front into a tip. [It is identical to the traditional Chupryna style of haircut worn by Ukrainian Cossaks.] He sports a sparse, dark beard that hangs from his chin, and a moustache that follows the contour of his lips. His face is broad with high-cheekbones and from it stretches skin the color of bright maple wood. He is of average height, though his body is honed with slabs of muscle from a lifetime of war. His armor takes on a metallic, apple-green hue, trimmed in gold. From the collar and shoulder plates sprout sets of black, horn-like spikes. His helmet is topped with a set of horns that curl around each other, as if improperly grown. A strand of red-dyed horsehair runs down from the crest to back of the helm. The suit of plates makes him appear larger than he is, lending him an imposing presence. —— [b]p e r s o n a l i t y[/b] » Chu’ai is ambitious, eager to prove himself to his gods and his men. At the same time, he is moderately decadent, used to a more opulent lifestyle in the palaces of the Chonusu Empire. This is problematic, as his own interests sometimes rub shoulders with his greater aims of serving his pantheon. Ultimately, however, the lust for greater reward forces him off his seat and directs him to greater exploits whereas a more sedentary life would be more comfortable. Although he is self-interested, Chu’ai rewards loyalty; though this likely serves just to strengthen the allegiance of his subordinates to his cause. —— [b]h i s t o r y[/b] » Chu’ai is a Chonusu, an ethnic group of humans native to the continent of Omakshi. The land lies to the west of Ferreria, across the Aching Deep. The Chonusu are a bellicose race, having all but conquered Omakshi’s other civilizations in a series of bitter campaigns. The Chonusu Empire reveres the Old Gods of the world; unbeknownst to them, these are very same entities that were driven from Ferreria, though they may take on different forms and attributes in the eyes of their foreign subjects. The Chonusu are a superstitious lot, and conduct themselves according to traditions spanning back tens of centuries. Chu’ai is a warrior of some renown, having many years of conquest under his thumb. His arrival in Ferreria is mere chance; a convulsive storm stirred the sea during an expedition, hurling his vessel off-course and across the Aching Deep. Chu’ai awoke from the wreckage of his ship on an unfamiliar shore, a large sum of his crew missing. With little else to do, Chu’ai and his remaining men salvaged what he could and wander further inland. A chance encounter with a band of Old God-worshipping Risar revealed they had washed up on Ferreria, and their deities’ claim over the land had been contested by a pantheon they had never known of. Conversing in the Dark Tongue, the two parties decided to amalgamate and bring about the return of their gods to this continent. —— [b]l i k e s[/b] » - The Old Gods - The Free People of Ferreria (the Old-God worshipers, at least) - The martial prowess of the Risar - Conquest - Fine samples of the opposite sex - Indulging in luxurious goods —— [b]d i s l i k e s[/b] » - The New Gods - The Ferrerian Empire - Insubordination - Dwerog (being in the company of Risar has doubtlessly influenced his perceptions) —— [b]f l a w s[/b] » - Xenophobic - Mildly hedonistic - Remorseless - Vindictive - Zealot - Self-serving [/list] [b]SO UNCIVILIZED![/b] [list] —— [b]w e a p o n s[/b] » - Xan; an ensorcelled sword that leeches unnatural, green flame when in combat and seems to have its own disposition - A long-handled axe - An elongated kite shield - A crescent-shaped dagger - A daemonic steed; a reward for past exploits —— [b]a b i l i t i e s[/b] » Chu’ai has experience leading men, coupled with a respectable knowledge of battlefield strategy. His skill at arms has been honed through many battles and he is an adept horseman. Chu’ai has a rudimentary understanding of magic and hopes to increase his proficiency as he earns greater favor from his gods. [/list] [b]BEHIND THE SCENES[/b] [list] —— [b]p o s t c o l o r (s)[/b] » [color=green]Green[/color] —— [b]t h e m e s o n g s[/b] » [url=https://youtu.be/aEv_aEwVvak]This will do.[/url][/list] Aristo