It didn't take Ichor and Firefly long to subdue the bank robbing thieves. They were back at the headquarters in a couple hours, having spoken to the police, gotten the criminals secured, and taken care of their loose ends. Orren went off to read whatever shitty romance novel he had picked up recently , and Per went to go do whatever it was she did to spend time. By now, Dylan had finished breakfast. He was dressed in his purple shirt and goofy costume, his face painted up like a clown. The guy would walk around all day with the paint on, occasionally smearing it on things, much to Orren's dismay. He managed to track down Per to show her some stupid magic trick he'd recently learned, only to scare her half to death and catch a hallway on fire. It was business as usual. ------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, across town, trouble was brewing. "Sir, are you sure this plan will work?" "Do I look unsure to you?" The voice was lightly accented. It belonged to a fairly young man who was probably in his late twenties or early thirties. He was tall and lean, dressed like he was from the North Pole, and sported a large blade of some type on his back. He didn't look like the friendly type. The two were standing in an elevator that was slowly rising. "It's just that...your father tried this very plan not but a few years ago, and you see where that got him." "My father was a fool," The man snapped at his assistant. "He went about it all wrong. One can not just blindly attack the city of heroes and hope to kill them all. You must have a plan, a strategy. I will prevail where my father failed; and then he will see who is better than who." The man clearly had some sort of parental issues going on here, and probably a few others as well. "With the heroes fallen, the city will follow, and then the country, then the world. This is the beginning of a beautiful thing, Rubin." The elevator doors opened, revealing an old, worn out grocery store, the cover for the villain's layer. The store had long since been closed. The man strode out of the front door and onto the street. He grinned sinisterly as he passed a group of schoolchildren walking home from school. "Remember the name Frostbite, kids," He said with a sneer. "It may be in the history books some day." With that, he held his hand out towards the street, ice shooting from his fingertips. The road froze over, sending an oncoming car jackknifing. It hit a water hydrant, water spurting out everywhere. The man continued across the street, freezing and chilling whatever he pleased, causing as much of a scene as he could. [img][/img]