David had been outside on account of the confusion of his room number, they seem all seemed to have gotten one but he’d somehow gotten turned around. [b]“You’re in room 302.”[/b] David heard Junior the sword sigh. [b]“It says it right there on the sheet.” [/b] “Yeeeeeeah.” David said running a hand through his hair. “But where could it be?” “You might want to start by checking the building in front of you.” Junior pointed out with a groaned. “So you’re saying the building in front of me?” [b]“Yes.”[/b] “That one.” David pointed. [b]“I fucking hate y-“[/b]But before Junior could let a vulgar retort fly from its currently nonexistent lips, the demon’s sharp senses picked up on something. [b]“Incoming danger!”[/b] He shouted. [b]“Move! Now!”[/b] David’s eyes shifted around. Danger? That’s the thing that normally hurts, right? He gave a large childlike grin at his new fellow students and chirping birds. "I think you're wrong buddy.....everything seems pretty okiedoki-" Much like Junior did, David stopped midsentence. Though this was mainly due to a bullet smashing into his skull after flying through the window of the dorm rooms they'd been arguing about, David's head snapped back. The blue haired simpleton collapsed on to the now somewhat blood painted grass unmoving.