Lord Otto the Younger was in his quarters with Ser Tobias Silvershield and Ruben Blacktower when they first read through the letter from King’s Landing. Multiple times they agonized over the words written on the parchment before them. [i]King Aegon, second of his name, is dead.[/i] Otto repeated those words in his head over and over again. The man they had sacrificed so much for in Lady Alicent’s deadly power-grab was now deceased. No longer did the Hightowers have influence over the crown: all they had now were smashed armies and empty coffers. The sacrifices of hundreds of so many noble knights, and of Otto’s father and brother... Their deaths now seemed entirely in vain. It was almost more than the lordling could handle. [i]Do not show weakness, not even amongst kin. Do not cry or shy away from the truth. No longer are you Young Otto: you are Lord Otto of Hightower.[/i] A single tear rolled down his cheek, despite his best efforts to contain it. “... How many men, Tobias?” mumbled Young Lord Otto. Tobias was puzzled. “Pardon me, coz?” “How many of our men died to place my fat wretch of a cousin upon the Iron Throne?” Lord Otto stood up, now masking his tears with rage. “My father, Tobias! And yours as well! My noble brother was lost to me, and Daeron the Daring, my best friend who might have very well been king one day. Bryndon and Gwayne, and all their noble knights and retainers... How many have died?” He clenched his fists in the middle of the room for several seconds, taking three deep breaths to calm himself. [i]Do not show weakness. You are Lord of Hightower.[/i] He slumped back down in his seat, now utterly ashamed of his outburst. Tobias had no good answer to give him, but did his best to ignore Otto’s rage. “Too many to count, coz,” he replied. Lord Otto disliked being referred to as anything but ‘lord’ amongst his court, but Tobias was like a second father to him, and so could use whatever titles he liked in private. “I too am weary of war, and I have lost much during these past few years. Gwayne was my beloved brother, and my sister is no doubt rotting away in the Black Cells by now.” “What do you propose we do, then, Tobias?” Ruben asked. His tone was neither exhausted or sad, he was more irritated than anything. As per usual, Ruben was cunning and clever, but as subtle as a Stormlander army to those who knew him. No doubt Lord Blacktower had some sort of personal motive in keeping Aegon II on the throne. He was up to something, and one of these days, Otto would figure out exactly [i]what[/i] he was up to. That could wait, though: Ruben’s exploits, though shady, were incredibly profitable for Oldtown and for House Hightower. “I don’t know, Ruben...” This entire situation reminded Lord Otto the Younger just how inexperienced he was. “I do know, however, that we must cease any attempts at war. My own men do not even feel secure following me into battle, let alone the greens from halfway across the Seven Kingdoms. The only claim we have left is that of a dead man, and Jaehaera is the only one of Alicent’s brood left. She’s a little girl, even younger and further in the line of succession than Aegon III, and we’ve just fought a civil war to get a male heir on the throne. We must kneel for the sake of our house’s survival, and pray that things will return to status quo. “You two are to accompany me to Highgarden, and then onto King’s Landing. The Tyrells will be sending a delegation to confirm their fealty, and I intend to go with them. We will tell the Targaryens ourselves that they will no longer have trouble with House Hightower, and we will continue our rule over Oldtown as we have done in the past. We’ll see what has become of your sister and her granddaughter, and attempt to negotiate... well, [i]something.[/i] Anything. Considering what the charges are, I wouldn’t be surprised if that blasted woman has been executed already.” “You will not speak about my sister in such vulgar terms,” Tobias snapped, rising up from his seat in an intimidating fashion, “Lord or no, you owe your family and your elders some respect.” Otto was taken aback by Tobias’ response. “I didn’t mean it, coz,” Otto the Younger had barely known Alicent, whereas his two cousins were of the same womb. [i]I must think before what I say, even amongst friends.[/i] “I’m sorry... just stressed, is all.” Otto allowed himself a sensible chuckle to break the tension. “Funny how I’m fed up with politics, and I’ve only been a lord for two years. I have a long road ahead of me, don’t I?” “You certainly do, Young Otto,” Ruben retorted, allowing himself a chuckle as well, “But let’s only worry about the Roseroad for now.” The trio left Oldtown shortly thereafter, accompanied by two dozen of their household knights, and sent a raven to Highgarden in order to warn of their arrival.