[b]Approved[/b] [img]http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/5934/293996-white_knight_story_art_19_super.jpg[/img] [s]Not a Human[/s] Gender: Asexual Alignment: Lawful Good Race: Slime Equipment: A Large suit of armour which is worn at all times, even during sleep. Also carries with it a greatsword and a shield. Generally also carries a bag, polishing cloth and a lantern. Combat Skills: "The Killing Blow" - a swordfighting style which emphasizes a constant, overwhelming offensive in order to force the enemy off if his guard in preparation for a great blow which tears through any defence the opponent can make. "The Stalwart Defence" - a second swordfighting style which emphasizes, in contrast to "The Killing Blow," a defensive tactic allowing the enemy to create an opening through his own offence to exploit. "Actually I'm a slime but shh they don't know that" - the use of its attributes as an acidic slime to its advantage; usually through coating Musana in its slime to use its acidic property to eat away at the opponent's sword, armour or other form of defence. Non-Combat Skills: Unified Language - Airan can understand any spoken language (writing not included). As an offset for this, it is completely mute. Other than that, he is good at hand gestures as well as the polishing of armour and swords. Mana: Average for a slime Magical Schools: Acidic/poison magic, highly skilled in body forming. Techniques: An emergency "dissolving" of its body into its natural slime state; its slime will pour out of every single crevice in the armour and reform very quickly. Doing this severely disorients it, leaving it with usually one opportunity but much too dizzy and disoriented to do more. This serves as its trump card. Artificial Spirit Sheet Name: Airan Vasilly Personality: Cautious, very, very careful, wants to be left alone. Talents: Discernment - Airan is able to detect intent and falsehoods through dialogue.