[hider=Appearance] [img]http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/6048246/images/1254153677039.jpg[/img] [i]Appearance - without shield or plate armour (outlined below)[/i] [/hider] [b]Body Character Sheet[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Evil [b]Race:[/b] Dark Elf ("Drow", if you're being technical) [b]Appearance:[/b] [i]Personal plate armour (fitted to drow size):[/i] [hider=Plate Armour] [img]http://archive.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1365/27/1365278883708.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]Helmet – worn under hood (no horns):[/i] [hider=Helmet] [img]http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/baldursgate.vanillaforums.com/FileUpload/b8/53f09ebcf05f7ea5bdda1121eeeb35.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] Two-handed greatsword w/ scabbard, armour, map, compass, preservable food (such as kept bread and the odd apple or bit of cheese), whetstone, polishing cloth and rucksack. [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Unable to rely on the grace and speed elvenkin are renown for, she is forced to rely on both brute force (what she can muster, that is) and any magic she could bring to bear, if at all. Her primary expertise is with two-handed swords, longswords, maces and polearm weaponry. Conversely, she has little experience with any bowed weaponry and no experience with any other forms of weapon. [i]Unexpected Angles[/i] To a veteran warrior, every possible part of a weapon could be another avenue for attack or defence - the flat of a blade, a mace's pommel, the shaft of a glaive and so on. All one needs is to recognise an opening, time it perfectly and, of course, practice, practice, practice. [i]Ambidexterity[/i] Constant training and use of her two-handed weapon has given the wielder the ability to wield her cumbersome [i]'zweihander'[/i] with either her right or left hand in the predominant "control" grip of her weapon. This can allow her to counter-attack or defend against blows to either side of her body that a lesser-trained individual with a dominant hand (as well as no other form of defence, such as a shield) might find more difficult to compensate for. [b]Non-Combat Skills:[/b] Lowlight vision (inherent trait), intimidation (goes without saying, considering who she is and likely what she does), recognition of Dark Elf language and sigils, repairing and maintaining her arms and armour. [b]Mana:[/b] Mid-range mana-retaining capacity, though only usually enough for the abilities that are listed below. [b]Magical Schools:[/b] Diabolic (major) [b]Magical Abilities:[/b] [i]Smite Good[/i] The very antithesis of do-gooders, such as warrior-priests or knights who serve those deities of heroes, the Blackguard draw on the magic of the world not to uphold the ideas of justice, but to strike down these weak-minded and naive fools. With a powerful blast of magic, the Blackguard could bring any character of Good alignment - at least, those unprotected by any higher power or enchantments against evil - screaming to their knees in abject agony. Neutral or Evil character will remain unaffected. [i]Corrupt Blade[/i] Just as a Paladin or warrior-cleric can invoke the name of their god to divinely empower their blade before facing the diabolical, so too can a Blackguard prepare their own blades before facing their opposite numbers. At its simplest form, corrupting a blade would allow the Blackguard to inflict an incremental higher amount of damage against an opponent, reflecting the infusion of vile magics or runes into the weapon about an hour before the battle. At its most powerful (and provided the necessary rites and work is done at least 48 hours in advance), the defiled blade can banish an enemy's soul to the hells if the weapon can inflict a single fatal wound, such as running it through the heart or by decapitation. In both cases, however, the corruption will fade away as soon as the battle has concluded; the Blackguard must begin the rites again if he or she wants to corrupt their weapon again. [b]Techniques:[/b] [i]Unbridled Rage[/i] Whether it is due to a trigger that sets off something within them or a sudden surge of fury imparted from their deity, the Blackguard suddenly feels their limbs cloaked in demonic fire and their soul filled by rage. Infuriated, the Blackguard immediately rushes towards the target of their anger, their strikes now enscorcelled by the power they serve and hitting harder then they could have before. Any subsequent strikes inflicted by the Blackguard would hit harder then they would have under their own strength until the target falls. Once the opponent lies dead, however, this strength fades away. [b]Artificial Spirit Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Krzysztanzia Zaleski [b]Personality:[/b] Despite holding a feminine name, this spirit, wherever it has originated from (or from who), generally does not consider itself specifically feminine in its present state due to the lack of a body. It has, however, retained a feminine persona for simplified interaction between itself and others, to be able to relate to its present "host" and in order to avoid any confusion as to "why a woman sounds like a man". Generally feels uncomfortable (if not near nauscious) when forced to kill someone in cold blood; a possible give away, considering the body the spirit will inhabit. [b]Talents:[/b] [i]Scion of the Forge Fire[/i] Learning the art of forging, the spirit is able to, with enough practice within its new host and experience, able to forge basic level arms and equipment for those who require it. It will need to gather the necessary materials and equipment to complete weapons and armour, so more complex and powerful pieces would take anywhere between several hours to a week to complete and either fit for the client or prepare for battlefield use. With additional learning, it could be possible for the spirit to be able to produce magically-enhanced equipment. However, these will take the longest time to produce and ready - up to a month of on-off work for the most powerful of enhanced works. [b]APPROVED[/b]