[@4weekcoma] Watching Vern curiously for a few moments Name noticed her growing more and more distraught he searched forward in his chair concerned, but stopped himself "she's not your kid!" he muttered to himself. Still he watched the exchange with concern. "I shouldn't care like this! Need to focus on my research." Name rises from his seat and gathers his notes, still talking to himself he mutters, "Need another coffee." Walking towards the bar he leaves over the counter "Hay Jan, wanna save us both some trouble and just bring me the pot?" The doctor asks the bartender. Turning towards the girl next to him Name takes a whiff and states friendly "Werewolf? Haven't shot the breeze with your kind in a while. Say if you don't mind child I'm curious, wolfsbane poisonous to you right? Does it take away your powers make you weaker, maybe slow down the change?" He asks with increasing excitement and enthusiasm.