Valeria bit into her lower lip apprehensively as she struggled to make sense of what they had heard from Quentin. Someone had Jack, and if Quentin's current condition was anything to go by that someone wasn't to be trifled with. It pained her to see Franklin so worried, but the fear that they might be getting in over their heads gnawed even stronger in the back of her mind at that moment. The fact that they were some of the smartest and most capable kids in existence put aside, everything they had done up until that point had been a secret. The unshakable sense that they now were rapidly approaching a point of no return, beyond which they would be unable to get any help from their parents, was suddenly all she could think about. The instant Franklin pulled out the newspaper clipping she recovered from her reverie, annoyance once more causing her lips to crease into a frown. She and Franklin had discussed the Young Avengers before. Previously they had just agreed to disagree about whether what they were doing was a good idea or not. Now, however, she could see Franklin intended to turn to them for help, and she realized she should have been much harsher in her criticism. "Really, Franklin? The fanboy squad? You're talking about getting involved with a group of untrained, unsanctioned vigilantes. There's got to be somebody else we can ask for help." Still, the more Valeria thought about it their own actions would hardly be approved of by the superhero community at large if they knew about them. Maybe it would be better if they went with someone slightly more under the radar of the bigshots. That way, if things turned sour (as she fully expected them too), they could safely pull out of the situation before they got discovered. Sighing, she resigned herself to going along with Franklin's plan for now. She had to silently promise herself she would not get caught up in her brother's obsession with these amateur heroes, and the moment one of them slipped up and started to jeopardize their goals she would be the first one with her foot out the door. "Fine, but I'm only going along with this because our options are limited. We'll give these guys a shot on a trial basis. I'm reserving my vote until after we decide if they make the cut, though." Throwing her cape back somewhat indignantly, Valeria walked around to the front passenger side of the Fantasticar Jr. "Let's get going. We need to get this over with before mom and dad get back home." With that, she hopped inside and slammed the door. She crossed her arms over her chest and avoided looking Franklin in the eye for the time being, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing how vexed she was by having to take part in his harebrained scheme.