[hider=Hugo Coil] [b]Name:[/b]Hugo Coil [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Appearance:[/b] Hugo has light skin with brown hair that he keeps short and styled. Now that's he done with school he's grown a short beard of the same color which he also keeps short and well-trimmed. His eyes are a dark green. He stands at roughly 5'6", somewhat short for his age. He swears he's still growing though. Despite that he is quite stocky, having a broad chest and shoulders earned through a strict fitness regimen. His clothing is often colorful and he does not shy away from standing out. [b]Personality:[/b] Hugo is a social friendly guy. That's what most people notice about him right off the bat. He's a bit of a charmer and likes to make friends with just about everyone. He enjoys a good joke, bringing humor to what situation he can and playing the occasional prank. They're typically harmless, but he has been known to push it a bit too far and then feel terribly about it. He thrives off the energy of other people and is at home in large groups, everywhere from an outing, to a party, to a Quidditch match. While he is capable of holding a good conversation one-on-one, he tends to dominate a conversation in groups larger than three people. Hugo considers himself a lifelong learner, and believes that if you go to bed without experiencing or learning something new, you may as well have not even woken up. He can be impatient at times, but he very rarely gets angry. [b]Backstory:[/b] While Hugo was born to a witch and wizard, his father was a muggle-born and as such became a target during the Second War after the fall of the Ministry. Hugo and his father went deep into hiding. While not a member of the Order nor the most outspoken critic of the new regime, Hugo's mother did her best to protect others from the Death Eaters and Ministry while keeping her head down. While in hiding, the wizarding world effectively disappeared for Hugo. Though various enchantments protected his grandparents' house, there was very little magic inside. His grandmother's growing fear of magic discouraged her son from bringing any of that world inside the house. No charms, no owls, not even any Chocolate Frogs to Hugo's dismay. However, he eventually managed to find a window to the world once more, even if it was not the most light-hearted. He and his father stumbled upon Potterwatch one evening after Hugo's grandparents had gone to sleep. Hugo was fascinated by these brave people who chose to use this medium to not only oppose You-Know-Who, but to keep up spirits as well. He was proud and relieved to hear his mother had taken part in the battle of Hogwarts and helped to end the war. Hugo was able to attend Hogwarts and live a relatively normal life in the good but shaky aftermath of the war. His fascination with Potterwatch changed into an interest in the Wizarding Wireless Network. He hoped to one day be the voice carried out to witches and wizards across Europe. He did rather well in school, sorted into Ravenclaw as a result of his intelligence and wit. He did well in most his classes, but found a huge obstacle in Transfiguration which quickly proved to be his most hated subject as he simply could not get it. By his fourth year he had fully given up on ever mastering the subject and spent most practical lessons devising small pranks. He loved Potions, doing well and occasionally brewing interesting potions in his free time. While he enjoyed Quidditch, he had no chance of joining the team, but was able to take over the commentator post in his fourth year, much to his delight. He was a rather well-liked individual among his teachers and peers and got acquainted with quite a few of the young witches at Hogwarts in the upper years. helping to organize social event and the various victory celebrations in the Ravenclaw common room. [b]Strengths:[/b] Hugo is an exceptional potioneer. A combination of skill and interest helped him excel in the subject at school and he is skilled at both brewing and analyzing potions. He has great success in all his school level potions, though as a recent graduate he still requires experience to truly master those of N.E.W.T level and beyond. He is good learner and retains information that he reads rather well. As such he has a lot of general knowledge of the world form culture, to magic, to sports of both the Muggle and Wizard variety. Hugo is a people person and is good at helping people feel included and welcome. He remembers just about everyone that he meets and can form a friendship rather quickly, though he does have those few people he values above all else. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Transfiguration is the biggest hole in his magical skill. While he learned the theory just fine, he can barely manage to pull off simple spells. Hugo cannot for the life of him get a broomstick to fly properly. He just can't. While friendly, Hugo can be a bit self-centered. He cannot understand those who dislike social situations for whatever reason, and can be insistent on getting them to "open up" and join in against their will. If allowed, he will talk and talk, holding focus of a conversation on whatever he finds interesting. [b]House:[/b] Ravenclaw [b]Wand:[/b] 13" Sycamore with unicorn hair core, slightly springy [b]OWLs:[/b] Transfiguration - P Charms - E History of Magic - E Astronomy - E Potions - O Defense Against the Dark Arts - A Herbology - E Muggle Studies - E Study of Ancient Runes - E [b]NEWTs[/b] Potions Charms Herbology Muggle Studies Study of Ancient Runes History of Magic [b]Accolades:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] Originally signed up Care of Magical Creatures as well, but immeditaly dropped it when Acromantulas were mentioned in the introduction on the first day. [/hider]