[h2]AUTUMN 1980 - Round 1[/h2] *occupied positions are in [b]bold[/b] and supply centers are [i]italicized[/i]* Arstotzka - Durandal [hider=Nation Status] Owned positions: [b]Nirsk[/b](2), [i]Orvech Vonor[/i], Octovalis, [i]East Grestin[/i], Lendiforma, [i]Paradizna[/i], [b]Batavis[/b](2), [b][i]West Grestin[/i][/b](2) [color=00a651]You have gained Batavis from Kolechia[/color] [color=00a651]You have gained West Grestin from Kolechia[/color] [color=8dc73f]An attacking unit from Obristan-Antegria tried to take Nirsk. They are repelled.[/color] You are now able to create two more units which will be deployed at a selected supply center. [/hider] Kolechia - Dedonus [hider=Nation Status] Owned positions: Buchhorn, [b]Lietzow[/b], [i]Yurko City[/i], [b]Lochau[/b], [b]Rixdorf[/b](2), Syburg, [b][i]Vedor[/i][/b](2), Klenow [color=ed1c24]You have lost Batavis to two attacking units from Arstotzka[/color] [color=ed1c24]You have lost West Grestin to two attacking units from Arstotzka[/color] You must now disband two units. [/hider] United Orbistan-Antegria Confederations of Greater Sate-Loron - UltikanaRe [hider=Nation Status] Owned positions: Verniy, [i]Mergerous[/i], [b]Guryev[/b](2), Jambul, Yaitsk, [i]Lorndaz[/i], Yermak, [b]Yasi[/b](2), Kushka, Frunze, [b][i]Skal[/i][/b](2), [b]Akhta[/b](2), [i]St. Marmero[/i], [b][i]Outer Grouse[/i][/b](2), Apolonia, [i]Glorian[/i], Soylan, [b]Serdica[/b](2) [color=fff200]Outer Grouse is already occupied with 2 units. Serdica forces are holding ground.[/color] [color=f7941d]Your attacking force to Nirsk is repelled. They retreated back to Skal.[/color] [color=fff200]You have no forces in St. Marmero.[/color] [/hider] Republia - Kronshi [hider=Nation Status] Owned positions: [b][i]True Glorian[/i][/b](2), [b]Rosenthal[/b](2), [b][i]Bostan[/i][/b](2), [i]Lesrenadi[/i] [/hider] Impor - Darcs [hider=Nation Status] Owned positions: [b][i]Enkyo[/i][/b](2), [b]Hizaori[/b], [b][i]Haihan[/i][/b], [b][i]Tsunkeido[/i][/b](2) [/hider] United Federation - Polaris North [hider=Nation Status] Owned positions: [b]Cold Spring[/b], [b][i]Shingleton[/i][/b](2), Wachau, [b]Northampton[/b], [b]Neppel[/b], [i]Great Rapid[/i], Avon Township, [b][i]Korista City[/i][/b], Jernigan [/hider] [h2]COMMENCE NEGOTIATIONS[/h2] *Remember, you can post your orders as soon as you're done reading this post*