With a gruff clearing of his throat Jaden opened the canteen and took a deep gulping of its warm yet refreshing contents. he really needed that after laying out on the dirt for god knew how long. He was surprised he hadn't caught a tan or something when he really thought about it. The truck was hit early morning and he could at least see the sun was gone mid day by now. Hours then, too long to have been a good sign. If anyone had survived other then the two of them they were probably in whatever transports still moving and halfway back to one of the cities by now. Optimism was not his forte. Shit people had been trying to off him since he was a teenager, this was just another chapter in the good book of cluster f**ks. He tightened the lid back on the canteen and handed it back to Naomi with a a grimace. He was really trying to focus on her but something had set his augments out of whack. Judging by how slow they were resetting he guessed the explosions were inhibitor in nature. High yield and EMP charges roles into one. Nasty things would fry anyone too augmented for regular bombs to kill. For anyone with near 100% augmentation it was as good as taking a bullet to the brain.The smell of the smoke from the debris told him one thing, the fuel of the trucks was burning and that meant their supplies were gone too. He was going to need this girl as much as she would need him, providing he got his eye sight back. Could he trust her at this point though to tell her what was wrong with him? Well, she had shared water and been stupid enough to call out to him. Hell what could it hurt, the chances of surviving alone were the same to her shooting him in the back after all. "Naomi where's the town...." He asked with an almost defeatest tone. "...because I can't see shit." Jaden turned to her, the scars, though faint on his head around the eyes, were just visible in the light of burning day. He was an Eagle grade spotter. His eyes were his own but along the back would be small implants that forced the eye to function much like a camera, clearing the vision and improving it to telescopic proportions. "And the bandages would be great..." He finally answered her on account of his wound. It was a pretty clean one as far as he could tell. Anything that stings like hell was a good wound, it usually meant you were still alive for one. Besides he'd known much worse. He stood back up slowly with one hand pressuring his side in case the wound began to get worse. "We need shade..." He muttered looking up into the sky. He could see the sun beating down on them for a moment before turning back to Naomi with rifle in his right hand. He seemed to pause for a moment, a judging face as he looked down to the floor and back up at her, or at least tried to look up at her with his blurred eyes. Finally he twisted the rifle round and held it out for her to take. "Might as well give this to someone who can see a god dam target..." he said almost cursing his choice. He was defenseless and too trusting, he knew that. But he'd rather die a soppy idiot helping a young girl than an expire soldier.