[b]Alex - Cells - Rob/Shannon/Zoe[/b] He looked at the others present here, ignoring the blood running from his nose. He feared it was broken from the hit he'd received on it, but he didn't really care in a strange way. After having given one of his captors a mean and agressive look, he had received a rifle butt against his face. Once he was jettisoned inside, leaving the cell crowded as fuck, he started feeling wether or not that had been the case. He wondered where they were, but judging on the short transportation time, they were not too far from where they were captured. Additionally, while he had originally feared they had been taken by Enrique and his people, he didn't recognize anyone at all except Jamie guy Chris had suicide charged. Because of this he refused to give up hope, but also because he couldn't really afford to do so. It'd mean his death. And then there was the lingering fear that these people led by this 'Magnus' guy could be even worse...