Her eyes glanced over the sheet of paper she held in her hand. She figured she would have a roommate, but three roommates? She hoped these rooms were bigger than they appeared to be. Her footsteps were long and rythmatic as she tread down the hallway that her room was suppose to be on- 301. Just as she reached for the doorknob a loud gun shot went off in the adjacent room. Finley walked to the door of room 302. She pressed her ear to the door, trying to hear if someone had been hurt. She picked up her closed fist and gently knocked on the door. [i]"Is- uhh- everyone okay?"[/i] she asked through the closed door to whomever may be inside. That was probably a dumb idea- knocking on a strange person's door whom obviously had a gun and ammunition. She decided being prepared for a fight might be a smart idea, in case the gun was pointed in her direction next. The blue flames took over her clentched fists as she stood back from the door silently.