Erika sighed, she had been walking around all day. Giving the new students a tour of the island. Her feet were killing her, she was tired of talking, and it was pretty warm out. The glimmer of hope was, that their next destination was Al-Revis academy. She turned to the body of students, and puffed out her chest. [color=tomato]"Alright everyone, we're moving on to Al-Revis Academy! Everyone follow me!"[/color] She shouted while gesturing. She then turned around and began to head off. [hider=A certain senior][img][/img][/hider] Meanwhile, a certain senior student was charged with keeping the group in line, and making sure no one sneaks off. Probably a job an enforcer could handle. But Al-Revis likes to govern their own affairs as much as they can handle. The tall dirty blonde haired man, with sharp gold eyes scanned the crowd for the hundredth time. Looking for someone to call out. He adjusted his glasses, as he spotted a group loitering near the dorms. [color=steelblue]"Hey, we're heading out to the academy get moving!"[/color] He called to them, they complied with his demands and took to the back of the crowd. But what he didn't know was that they had boxed in a certain Irish man, and German girl from escaping the crowd.