[hider=Kanala Jean Wabae] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Kanala Jean Wabae[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Kana, Little Ursa[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]18[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5"4'[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]175 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]New Student[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [hider=Inspiration][IMG]https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2311/2078974589_8d5e0e89da_o.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Dark Brown[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Brown[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Native American (Hopi)[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Kana is mildly short. She has small hands and feet with a broad nose. Her hair is long falling down to her mid back. She has been growing it out for years. Her lips are full and her eyes are small. Kana has thin eyebrows, but makes up for it with her long eyelashes.Her face is regularly clear though every now and again she will get a rather red pimple that won't go away for weeks. She is a bit heavier then most girls her age, because of this she has large thighs and a pudgy stomach. Kana has some muscle tone. At most 1/4th in her upper arms and 3/4th in her legs. Kana's chest matches her body being a bit larger then most and her rump while not the largest of the bunch is not flat either. Kana's skin tone is what could be described as sun kissed mocha. It's a warm brown with red undertones. Her hair is straight and so dark brown that you might as well call it black. On a completely different note Kana's fingernails always have dirt under them due to her working with clay almost constantly. Along with the clay under her nails you can probably also find clay on her face either in dust or a small splatter. Kana rarely wears makeup, but she does find it fun to dress up every now and again. In the past Kana had serious problems with her weight and the way she looked, but now a days Kana loves her body, and sometimes can't get enough of herself.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Kana likes to dress in neutral colors.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Around anyone Kana is friendly. She reads body language and situations with perfect accuracy.Kana does her best to be witty and cute. She exudes positivity. While she understands a serious situation when it happens in almost any other circumstance Kana is looking for the joke or the comment to make others smile. She is charismatic and confident. Kana never stops talking she is an open book anything you wanted to know she would tell you in an instant. In many respects Kana is naive. She is much to trusting of people, and always wishes to give people a second chance. Because of this she is easily hurt. She is used to being told that she is too emotional. The people that say this aren't entirely wrong though. Kana knows that she lets things hurt her too much, but she doesn't take the pain personally. Kana is very forgiving. She understands that many people don't take as much care to what they say as she does. Most people don't think about it so much so they don't see how the things they say could be an insult. While Kana is forgiving and friendly and charismatic she is also incredibly impatient. She doesn't like to be kept waiting and God forbid she can't see a clock with the time. She will ask you for the time over and over again. Almost every two minutes she'll say "what time is it now" in a whiny voice. She has so much energy she's not good with sitting still. She fidgets with things like a bracelet or her hair. Most often she will braid her hair then unbraid again. Her attention span and memory can be a bit faulty. Kana would forget what someone told her only a day before, and you can forget about her remembering names (she already has). When Kana is alone most of the time she holds the same sort of energy and light. Though lately Kana has found herself feeling very alone. She feels very different and like she may never find a place where she feels she belongs. She tries not to let it get to her, but it's becoming harder and harder. When by herself Kana can be very hard on herself. She will be looking at her room and decide it's too dirty give herself a small reprimanding on how she really should clean more, but then do nothing about the fact that things are dirty. Speaking of things being dirty Kana is not the most organized person. She losses important documents and leaves her clothes all over the floor. She has a bit of an organization system, but nothing anyone else can understand Kana talks to herself when she is alone and treats being alone as though people were still watching her. Kana's not sure why she does this, but doesn't see anything to crazy about it so she hasn't tried to curb the habit. In the end one thing you can say about Kana that is constantly true is that she is just trying to figure everything out.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Kana is very skilled in ceramics. She is a good singer and dabbles in writing. Lastly Kana knows how to keep tempo and is a fairly good dancer[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]A small stuffed animal she has had since she was very small that her mother made for her. It is a bunny.[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]"never give your happiness to the goat"[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Kana was born as the middle child in a middle class Native American family. Kana was always the performer of the children. As a small child she would crave attention from everyone. Kana grew up in a fairly normal town in Florida. She can still remember when she was very young loving going to the beach. Her home was right on the beach so she spent a lot of her time playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean. For the longest time Kana's favorite color was the one the sky created right before the sun sets. Kana has vague child hood memories. One of which being the nights her family spent on the beach around a fire the warm ocean breeze on her face in the summer months. At school Kana was well liked. She wasn't the most popular girl, but she wasn't bullied or picked on. That all changed when she got to middle school. Kana had many acquaintances, but only a handful of real friends. Inside this handful were the boys that bullied her the most. They often made jokes at her expense. They would say that she was fat and disgusting joking about how she would never get a boyfriend. Kana would normally laugh with them. Looking back on it Kana never understood why she didn't tell them how they made her really feel. She never told them all the times she had to tell herself that she was beautiful no matter what they say. She just laughed and smiled and made a few jokes about herself as well. The bullying continued through out middle school. By her 8th grade year Kana was almost completely convinced that she was the scum of the human race. That her life would always be the butt of every joke. Then over the course of her 9nth grade year Kana stopped hanging out with those boys. She stayed close to a few of her old friends but made a lot of new ones. Slowly but surely Kana started to realize that there was nothing wrong with her. She decided that she would never let anyone steal her happiness again. Around this time Kana started to notice that she was hearing voices. It started out very small. She would hear her name before her friends would call out her name, or in a familiar voice she would simply hear a few words. At first Kana thought she was going crazy. She kept thinking 'Really of all the things that could happen to me I'm gonna be a crazy lady like really'. Day in and day out the voices became more frequent. Eventually Kana was able to ignore them. Kana decided to tell her parents once the voices didn't scare her so much and through many talks her parents were rather sure that she had inherited a lesser form of what her grandmother had. Turns out Kana's grandmother had not only telepathy, but also telekinesis Kana was incredibly excited she felt some kind of superhero. She knew other had been developing powers too but she never thought she could be one of them. She felt as though she had been given the greatest gift. As time passed through the year Kana changed her mind. She didn't have a fun power or something useful. People just screamed their thought at her sometimes. It became increasingly annoying to hear. Kana wanted to yell at the people who thought so loudly "would you just shut up already". Kana went through a. Period of being very angry. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't control anything. The worst thing about her new gift is that she couldn't tell a soul. She couldn't even imagine what people would do if they knew all the things she knew about them. Kana thought her sophomore year calmed down a lot. She learned to accept the things she cannot change. Unfortunately this was the year her older brother moved away. They had been incredibly close. Always joking around with each other and talking through their problems. While Kana sometimes felt that her older brother could be over protective she loved him. Kana held is together during her brothers graduation ceremony and the days after, but when the day came around that Kana's brother went off to college Kana locked herself in her room for hours. Kana worked through her pain alone and soon realized that while her big brother was gone she still had her little sister and that her big brother wouldn't be gone forever just most of the time. She decided it gave her more time to be independent and learn to take care of herself. Kana can remember getting her first pet the next year. She named him Gary and he was the most beautiful lizard ever. The only downside to having this pet Kana decided was style fact that you have to feed them crickets. It was not a very fun task for Kana. Kana spent many hours curled close to her pet. Her mother always told her not to take him out of his cage because he would run away, but Gary always stayed where he needed to be. Kana realized animals sort of listen to her a lot. She wondered if this could be coincidence or if this could be part of her powers as well. Kana decided she would run a few tests. The only problem with this decision is that she decided to test them at the local zoo. Whilst attempting to control an elephant Kana completely fainted. She could see herself from the elephants eyes. A crowd had formed around her with various people shaking her and asking if she was okay. Kana quickly returned to her body. She waved the people off saying things like "oh no I'm okay just locked my knees". After telling her parents who reprimanded her on many things involving her test Kana started controlling animals more and more. She would go down to the ocean and force periwinkles to all rise up from Beneath the ground. Once while going for a swim Kana came across some fish and had them swim with her for a little ways. Kana quickly noticed that the more animals she controlled the less control she had over her own body. Kana found this very tedious and annoying. She wanted to do better so she continued to practice all the time. Unlike her previous power Kana found she could actually get better at this one. After two years of working on her own Kanas parents finally decided it was time now that she was out of high school to send her off to a school that could help her with her powers. When they told her where she was going Kana was scared to go so far away. At the same time she was excited. The mixed emotions cultivated one Saturday night where she cried in her mothers lap. Her mother sat her up and said "Kana you better buck up. This is a big opportunity for you. We will miss you, but we won't be gone don't worry sweetie everything will be fine. Don't give your happiness to the goat".A few days later Kana was off to her new life. [/INDENT] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Kana has both a mother and a father along with that she has two siblings a little sister and an older brother.[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] None Yet [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Cerebral[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]-Animal manipulation This means that Kana can communicate what she would want an animal to do and it will do as it is told. This doesn't mean she can make it change form or anything outside of its natural abilities, but it does mean that let say if Kana wanted a bird to attack someone it would. The strange thing is that sometimes the animals are very easy to control. Almost as if the animals simply want to do what Kana wants, instead of Kana making them. Kana can control any type of animal, though the closer it gets to being human the hard it is to control. The smarter the animal and the bigger the animal the harder it is for Kana to enter its mind. Even if Kana can't see the animal directly she can sense when animals are near generally what type of animal they are and what direction their in. Its hard to tell the difference between this and humans. She feels human presence as well but it is slightly different from the animals. -Telepathy Kana can read others thoughts. She hears them at the moment, with no will. She does not wish to have the information she has and she's not sure how to turn it on and off. Sometimes the thoughts come in very muffled and other times they are completely clear and so loud it hurts to hear them. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]At the moment Kana cannot control many animals at once the most she got to was ten small fish. The bigger the animal the harder for her to control it. Apes are next to impossible to control while things like goldfish are the easiest. For now Kana has to be in line of sight with the animal she wants to control. Kana cannot sense animals in a large range. About as far away as one can read a sign she can sense animals. Once that animal leaves her vision Kana can't make a connection to it. In the dark without sight Kana can still make a connection to the animal if she notices its presence. Though it is much harder to make connection with animals she can't see. It's possible, but much much harder then normal.Kana can hear more the one persons thoughts, but it can become very painful the more people she hears. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]The thoughts that Kana hears can be very loud and hurt her. Like when you hear a very high pitched sound. The more animals Kana controls the less of her consciousness remains in her body. It becomes very hard to think and move. To use her powers at the highest ability Kana loses control of her own body and falls into a vegetative state until she releases control on the animals.In the dark It is much much harder for Kana to make connections to animals. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Theme Song- Clairvoyant by The Story So Far Nest Registration Number- 186482-GSKU [/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Kana rubbed on the hard clay getting it smooth dent inward a bit. She stared at it for a minuet tilting her head from one side to the other. She quickly exhaled in a frustrated tone. Kana ripped a knew piece of clay and smoothed it over the debt she had previously made. Her friends sat on the other side of her table. "I don't know what to you guys think" Kana asked them turning the large clay cat to face them. A boy her same age with sandy blonde hair shrugged "I don't know looks like a cat to me" he said with a slightly confused voice. "It looks fine" added a girl from across the table. Their names were Alex and Claire, and they had been close friends of Kana for a long time. Both of them agreed that Kana was paying to much attention to the little things instead of focusing on the fact that over all the sculpture looked very good. "Your fusing over nothing Kana" Claire added. "But it's not nothing" Kana groaned. She turned the sculpture back towards her. "The leg is curved to much to the left and it doesn't make any sense like, it looks like the leg is broken" Kana explained flinging her hands in the direction of the sculpture but never touching it. "So.......yeah nothing" Alex added to the end of her sentence not even looking up from his crudely done heart shaped box. Kana bit her lip still frustrated with the thing she had created. "Okay I think I can fix it" Kana sighed "but that will have to be tomorrow because we only have three minuets left in class" she added staring up at the clock. Kana quickly covered her work in plastic and cleaned up her table. She noticed that Alex hadn't even slightly cleaned up after himself and picked up his slack. She did this often it wasn't a big deal. She didn't mind cleaning up after him since it was so easy to do. Kana grabbed her bag and sat waiting for the bell to ring. "I can't believe your leaving at the end of this year" Claire told Kana. "I know....I'm gonna miss you guys so much" Kana gave a pity smile and her shoulders dropped down. "You can't forget to write us okay" Alex nudged Kana. Kana smiled "how could I ever forget" she said In a sing-songs voice. [/INDENT] [/hider]