[center][b][color=f6989d]Kaelyn Cobble[/color][/b][/center] Kaelyn had found a way to entertain herself peacefully, by looking at each first year and guessing which house they would be in. This was before all the commotion of course, but she could barely blame the Gryffindors for their loyalty and pride, they were notorious for it. Kaelyn too loved her own house, although she wasn't interested in playing Quidditch, she always supported her own house in their games. A friend of hers, Jade Lenith, was the seeker for Hufflepuff in fact. Kaelyn was half upset by Lucine's outburst, though it did seem reasonable. She didn't seem herself though - something was definitely up. "Lucine... are you okay?" Kaelyn smiled. [center][b]~[/b][/center] [center][b][color=f6989d]Anastasia Borak[/color][/b][/center] "How strange." Anastasia furrowed her brows in remark to the sketch of herself and the Slytherin, Gabriel. She couldn't understand why anyone would want to draw her. Especially when she was trying to get a head start on her studies, but it was barely possible with all the commotion going on. Ana didn't understand the way other students loved their houses. For her, although it was obviously the most intelligent house, Ravenclaw was just her means of learning. It meant where she lived for the year and who she had classes with, but little else. "Foolishness." Ana rolled her eyes and half-smirked at Gabriel. It was a small thing though, she had barely raised her voice. She didn't much expect an answer, perhaps a smirk of goodwill. [b][center]☆☆☆[/center][/b] Professor McGonagall raised her voice and addressed the students. It was now time for first years to be housed. The Sorting Hat sat on the usual chair, ready for it's first victim. "Helena Appleby." The short girl emerged from the crowd of children. She had big, curly ginger hair and wide, worried green eyes. She sat on the chair and the Sorting Hat was placed onto her head. "Hufflepuff!" the hat roared, followed my ferocious glee from the Hufflepuff table. The girl ran to sit next to a similar looking girl, Joanna, her third year sister. Kaelyn Cobble cheered loudly. "Jonathan Augustus." A taller, pale, dark haired boy approached the chair. The hat was placed on his head. This decision took longer than with Helena. "Slytherin!" the hat shouted. The Slytherin table cheered, and the boy took his place. The students await all the further sorting, wondering how many students will be placed in their house this year.