[quote=@FaithsRose] Sorry about the delay in replying, that is or rather was good to hear ^^' Glad you had time to chill teapot :) I'm doing great thank you, I got accepted into my chosen uni 4 days ago which is why I've been so quiet over the last few days, didn't realise how much there was to do ^^' Fair point ^^' Sorry about that. Hmm can understand the lack of motivation at the moment over here :S Excluding the excitement of a CaTony interaction, this fuel run idea has gone a bit stale hasn't it...? ^^' [@Rarity], teapotshark hit the nail on the head there <.<' Can only add on what I've already said to you ^^' Now I have to admit I've hit a wall in my own writing :S my motivation for this idea has pretty much evaporated and if I was honest with all of you, not entirely sure where I stand at the moment ^^' I don't want to put pressure on Rarity! Or anyone else but I'm a little confused on what to do now/what comes next :S I'm voicing this concern now because it seems like a plausible time to do so, doesn't put limitations on anything or potentially damage the plot line ^^' Just to note this isn't me leaving, I'm not giving up on this RP or group! Am in for the long haul ^^' Just want to clear up my own confusion. [/quote] CaTony is interesting simply because they are so opposite. And Cat seems to enjoy taking advantage of it and messing with Tony. As for the Fuel Run, I was just waiting for the confrontation between the gang and our group. XD but not too sure how it plays out