[center]Kai would walk along the corridors of Laguna High School as his facial expression would remain emotionless as ever. He did not even try to smile or just start chatting with other people that he did not know. And even if he did know them, he would not say much to them really. That was a rather weird trait for him to have as to be seen for his social status. His parents had tried to tell him to change his attitude but it just asked too much effort to do so. For the "Machina" company that his parents own, he was known as the 'Prince of Ice' which actually fitted him some way. Yet in this school people liked him for the way he was and that was not an usual thing to witness as people would often be embarrassed by the way he looks at them when having a formal conversation. Yet the customers of the Host Club did not pay too much attention to that and he slowly started to become more outspoken and even shows his emotions now and then. Yes, even his sadistic side pops out once in a while. Once he arrived at the Host Club room, he pushed the doors open with the palm of his hand and walked inside where he sat down on one of the couches that were placed inside. [hider=Appearance] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/yyrh1.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] --------------------- Rin however was cheerfully, almost running, down the hall as she did not feel like being depressed all day today because of the debt that she still needed to pay. She kept a positive mindset despite all the troubles and difficulties that had happened since she went to this school through a scholar ship. Because of this, she needed to keep her grades up and score between the 3rd and 1st place in order to stay at this school and not be expelled as she could not pay the tuition fee. Mentally slapping the school though because of such high costs. As she sat down on the stairs, she would look at the people that passed her by as she did not feel like going to the Host Club yet. [hider=Appearance] [img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/30300000/Syo-3-syo-kurusu-30320110-500-555.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/center]