[center][hider=Hajime][img]http://i.cubeupload.com/pglOtc.jpg[/img][/hider] Hajime slammed open the door to the host club, threateningly. Most people would have been terrified if Hajime had entered the room, but Hajime was a normal at the host club. And not because of the guys. Because of the food. She stepped inside, and promptly tripped and fell down comically, her collar making a rich CLUNCK sound as the solid gold hit the ground. Hajime sat up and pushed herself of the floor, turning towards and empty seat. She took a seat on a couch, currently unoccupied, and began to swing her legs. In the host club, Hajime didn't look threatening. She looked childish. Like a little sibling who wanted you to make them some god damn food. She began to fiddle with the pin stuck onto her sweater. The pin had an [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b8/e8/e6/b8e8e6ce86b95cb25f7a4ed9620a8ceb.jpg] lotus design [/url] on it. The lotus insignia was the one of the yakuza. It was a pin that meant danger. One that meant authority. But people in the host club had learned to stop caring. Because, unless they were new, they had seen it quite frequently and knew that Hajime really only wanted food.[/center]