[quote=@thewizardguy] Wall of text initiated! [/quote] a few problems. 1) Bedivere hardly visits his estates, and when he does he does not use the front door. There is a water feature which grants him access from the inside already, thus having him roll up to an estate would be a sign of an imposter of needing to use the front door. 2) Bedivere does not use a Limo. Should he need to formally to go from place to place, assumingly at night, he uses an elegant Carriage, horse-drawn and all. Given that should need to "make a scene" he would already have made plans for a carriage to be present about a quarter-mile into where he is to show up. A limo is unbefitting of a knight. 3) Bedivere does not smoke since the last few centuries (it fell out of fashion). He would have to request a smoke, at which he would fetch for an old pipe. Let alone having a cigar as toxic as the one described. The cigars of course are for business guests, and as such... 4) Bedivere does not "request wine." But rather he would request particular humans, by referring to them as one would a query-based dating engine. Even in throwing a feast, he would not throw one for humans, lest they were to be the main course after all. 5) Bedivere doesn't actually employ the people in the estate, the Collector does who in turn is employed/puppeted by Bedivere. Thus the staff would be confused at the man walking up unless instead of Bedivere, it was the Collector to which 1-4 would be a moot point. Bedivere only comes at night from the inside of the mansion as somewhat of a Boogeyman. To which only the London Estate where some vampire fledgings are known to conduct business on behalf of Bedivere would actually know who Bedivere is. The Welsh Estate is the entrance to Camelot, and as such no staff is actually there as it is just a historic landmark which is being preserved on behalf of the state. Maybe one of the two Scottish Estates.