Class 1-1, the likely site of all her troubles for the next year. Emma didn't delude herself into thinking this would be easy because she was Canada's top pilot, she knew the best of every other major nation would be here as well. She didn't even dare consider that she'd be the best in the class, because that was being cocky, and her dad always said being cocky got you killed. Not that she expected to die of course, this was school, but being cocky could make her lose. Emma hated losing in the IS, not because she'd been beaten outright, but because she loved flying so much that it just sucked to lose. Startled from her reverie by the sounds of awe from her surrounding classmates, she looked up in surprise to see a male walking in. A man was here, in her class? How lucky, or unlucky depending on your point of view, that one of the world's limited supply of male IS pilots was in her class. For now, she tacked on a mental note to talk to him later, maybe try to befriend him. He was rather handsome, after all, for a foreigner. She shook this thought, and the resultant blush, from her head and focused on surveying the classroom. The Entrance Ceremony, for all its ceremony, was nothing compared to the reality of being in this school. Especially jarring, however, was that she was not just here as a student, but representing the nation of Canada. The stress would get to her, eventually, no doubt, as she wasn't really prepared for the realities of this. Her every action was a reflection on her homeland, and the wrong move could spark all forms of hassles. She'd definitely have to be on guard, and be extra careful what she said to who. For now though, she just shrugged and said to herself "[color=0072bc]I hope this is a good year.[/color]"