[center][IMG]http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/sketch_commission19___oshadowbutterflyo_by_shanineko-d6msb4a_zps6e4ec9a7.png[/IMG] [b]Name[/b] Katherine Hartwell (Kat For Short) [b]Age[/b] 16 [b]Personality[/b] Katherine can be a little ditzy at times and very clumsy. She hurries to much into things and can't concentration on the simplest of magic, she's even surprised she got an acceptance letter to this place. She has a very bubbly personality and that type of person that always has a smile on their face even in the worse times. She's kind to others and very friendly, although she can rather act childish and emotional about the littlest of things. Even with her personality like it is she is a very hard worker and will do her best at anything if she can. [b]Bio [/b] Katherine's parents died at a young age, but in her small country town everyone was close and was treated as family. It's been lonely sure, but with a town like that she was able to get her mind of it. She worked in a small animal clinic where she would heal injured animals, since she could talk to them it was always easy for her. Though her magic is good on animals she's always messed up the simplest spells and they always blew up in her face or turned into completely something else. She idolized a very famous tamer and hoped to be just like him one day, but she couldn't if she didn't know which direction to take with her magic. Being accepted into the Gedonelune Academy, well that was just about the happiest day in her life cause she knew that there she can improve her magic skills and get better. Though a country bumpkin like herself, which most people called her, she never would have believed to get a letter let alone a chance to be an official student. Although she is just a provisional she is just happy to attend. [b]Ability[/b] Since she lived out in the country she was always close with animals and was born with the ability to talk with them, magical or not, which apparently is pretty rare. [b]Familiar[/b] She doesn't have a quote on quote 'familiar' though she does have a white scaled dragon, with blue eyes like lapis lazuli's, she had ever since it was a hatchling and has always been her best pal. He has two forms, one is his smaller form which he usually is when she used to work in her hometown, the other being his larger form which would mostly show up if she had to go to far away places for supplies. He will be assigned as her familiar once she gets to the academy. [hider= Drake][IMG]http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/white_dragon_by_anhellica-d38k8ea_zpspmgthlnj.jpg[/IMG] This is drakes larger form, but with blue hair and blue eyes. His smaller form looks more like a serpant with legs and small wings.[/hider] [b]Status[/b] Provisional [b]Specialty[/b] Well she's good with healing, but she's only done it on animals she's not quite sure how well it would work on humans. She's more into medical magic mostly for helping injured animals. [b]What Does Magic Mean To You[/b] "Magic means to bring people happiness and to always put smiles on everyone's faces." [b]Buddy[/b] Michael Greter[/center]