[h1]Mahmoud Nobakht[/h1] Mahmoud reclined in his chair, a puff of smoke from his cigar wafted in to the air as he awaited the reports from his informants. Mahmoud was a busy man, it took much time to maintain the secrecy and the fluidity of his organizations work. But these were not the reasons for his meeting today. There were other matter that Mahmoud had interest in. This informant was one of many who worked between the nations of the EU for Mamhoud, seeking out others that, like Mamoud himself, had certain powers. Powers that were of great interest to the crime lord. "Mr. Nobakht, I belive I have some information that is of interest for you." said the informant, triumphantly reporting on his catch. "We have heard reports of a guy who hits up places in the EU, he robs places and when the cops come, place is frozen up. No one has been able to catch him, but I got someone tracking him and reporting back to me. If we're lucky we'll find him, but it might take a while; he never stays in one place understandably." Mahmoud smiled and tossed some rubles at the Informant. "Do you have any idea where he might be at the moment?" "Nowhere specific, but we suspect somewhere in Central Europe" Mahmoud nodded his head, "You have done well" [h1]Alessandra Guillory[/h1] Alessa's body shot up as she awoke, looking down to see she had fallen asleep studying again. She groaned before looking over to the clock and gasping. "Shit!" she screamed, grabbing for her backpack, only for her bags and homework to spill out all over the floor. Alessa groaned loudly before shambling to the floor to straighten out her papers. Once in order, Alessa bolted out the door, slamming it shut behind her as she sprinted out of the apartment complex and towards the campus halls. "Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck not again. He's going to kill me if I'm late again." she muttered to herself as she made her way thought the living wall of students and into the hall. Archaeology class had already began, the professor in the middle of a lecture on the alchemical artifacts of Islamic Egypt. As the pointer made its way to a primitive distiller, Alessa tried to sneak in unnoticed in the back row. It didn't work. "Ah, late again Miss Guillory?" Alessa groaned as she hid her face behind her purple backpack in shame. Not again, not again. Maybe buying an alarm would be a good idea, assuming she didn't accidentally kill anyone when she tried to plug it in. Alessa tuned into the dissertation on the Muslim Chemists. Chemistry, ugh, how she hated chemistry. Too much math, too much dangerous chemicals. Archaeology was safe, and just her kind of thing.