The smell of chlorine wafted into Chloe's nostrils as she sat at the edge of the large, rec-center pool that she'd just spent the last two hours swimming in. She used to love the smell, but now she wasn't so sure. Chlorine had been the smell that hung in the air after she killed that poor guy, who had stalked her through the darkness after the party. Half of her wanted to run straight to the police station and turn herself in, but the other half doubted the police would quite believe that she had killed a man with her breath. She took her feet out of the pool and halfheartedly dried herself. Sitting at the pool and thinking about that night wouldn't help her get over anything. [i]It was an accident. Just an accident,[/i] she repeated to herself mentally, but she couldn't help the relief that washed over her when the smell of the swimming pool finally faded to nothing.