Fair enough, why I mentioned the consistency. Now if the issue was that her semblance was offensively sonic based, than I can see why there'd be issues on how it can suddenly become restorative without additional assistance. But if the Semblance was merely sound based, with no real distinction of what it does, that leaves more potential for it being able to do anything so long as the medium is through sound (It could create a sonic boom, or even silence an area by removing sound. it could create a healing song or a [url=http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/blistering]blistering invective[/url]). It's certainly broad and a bit of a stretch, but there's also a character who has a three-sectional shotgun staff who can create hard-light copies of himself whos' also part monkey, so I'm not exactly going to assume that the world follows any sort of hard science. There's only one real rule the RWBY Verse follows, and that's the [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfCool]Rule of Cool[/url]. I guess if that's not cool with you, that's a problem.