Mike was glad that Floyd agreed to go to Walmart. It was probably the worst idea ever, considering that Walmart had cameras everywhere, but in the heat of the moment, Mike completely overlooked the fact. “We can watch movies later. We’ll stream Chronicle, and I promise to only watch the end of Carrie since you only dig the part more… And don’t knock Netflix, it has some good shit on there.” Mike said answering Floyd’s thoughts. It was unnecessary, but it was fun as hell knowing that he could do it. “Your car? Man, you’re way too high man. You look like a burnt Asian.” Mike joked as he headed for the door. “Hold up.” Mike said as he reached for the door. He focused on the lock switch. At fist nothing happened at all. [i]Come on![/i] Mike coached himself as veins popped on his neck. He then extended his thumb and index finger as if he were actually turning the switch. With a click, the door unlocked. A smirk spread across his face before opening hand up to turn the knob. [i]It’s working… So it’s like an extension of my hand. He turned his hand and whopped his hand back as fast as he could. The door flew open, hit the wall and slammed back shut. Mike’s eyes widened in shock as he jumped back. “Fuck… That was sick!”