Katsuya barely noticed when the bell rang for the end of classes, she was too engrossed in her book. It was a translated version of an American Novel titled [u]To Kill A Mockingbird[/u] about the goings on of a small county in southern America during the great depression they had there in the 1930s. Eventually it seemed that she was able to sense the absence of noise and people, and she began to pack up all her things and leave. Before she got out the door though, she was intercepted by a group of giggly girls who pulled her into their conversation. "Materashi-Senpai! Who's your favorite host?" The speaker was a First-year who Katsuya could remember speaking to only once before, when she had to give the girl directions to her homeroom because she had gotten lost at the beginning of the year. "Um, I'm honestly not very interested in things like Dating Sims and host cafe's. While I respect those who work there to gain the skill, I do not enjoy false flattery." Katsuya was about to walk away when the words of one of the girl's friends stopped her. "No, not like 'Famous' hosts. We just want to know which of the hosts at our school's Host Club you like the most." "I didn't know that Laguna had a Host Club." At this point Katsuya was getting bored. [i]I would rather get home and find out what's going on with the Radley's than be talking to the fluff-brained.[/i] As Katsuya was thinking however, the first girl grabbed her hand and was dragging her towards the music rooms, exclaiming about how she HAD to go there and meet the hosts. [i]Oh Dios mi, I don't have time for this![/i]