Name: Adrian Allistor Age: 155 Species: Werewolf Gender: Male Human Appearance: [url=]Click[/url] [img][/img] Adrian stands at a strong six feet, and despite their similarities, he seems more terrifying than his brother, Felix. Few have seen him smile and he typically holds a slight slouch and a scowl, leaving him with an air of brooding. This isn’t to mention that he appears more physically strong than his brother, and rightly so. His hair is slightly lighter and there is little in his voice that shows any form of sympathy when speaking to others. Beast Appearance: [url=]Click[/url] [img][/img] Like his twin, Adrian is a pure-bred werewolf with two lycanthropic parents. While his brother is an intellectual leader, Adrian tends to take what he desires by force. This shows in his stature as a wolf, which is menacingly large, his muscles seem to almost ripple as he moves. He is known as one of the best hunters and fighters of the pack due to his pure physical ability. Personality: The werewolf is known for his no-nonsense attitude and quite, sulking nature. Despite Felix being the more diplomatic of the two brothers, Adrian is still quite skilled at noticing fallacy or falsity in the words of others. While lacking in a take-charge attitude, he has a short temper and very little patience with others. However, Felix has chosen him as his right-hand man not only because they are brothers but also because Adrian has a way of keeping order simply by appearing as an enforcer, which is not to mention his keen eye for lies. Brief History: Adrian is very similar to Felix in that they were born in the same year, on the same day, to the same parents. They grew up in similar situations and Adrian has always appeared as the more protective of the two. While Felix could make a name for himself and was even the cause of them being able to get into the most respected pack of their species, Adrian was happy to follow his brother anywhere for the sole purpose of keeping him alive and well. The lycan has never seen himself as an older brother or a servant to Felix, but more finds his position as a comfortable niche where he can work to the best of his ability. He has always been a fighter and was more than fine with becoming Felix’s second, allowing him to keep a closer eye on his sibling. ----- Name: Felix Allistor Age: 155 Species: Werewolf Gender: Male Human Appearance: [url=]Click[/url] [img][/img] Felix has darker, shorter hair than his brother, Adrian, but he appears with an equal confidence. He stands at a firm five feet and eleven inches and has a diplomatic appeal to him. Not only is his posture refined and proper, but Felix has a similar manner of speech and a charismatic smile. Beast Appearance: [url=]Click[/url] [img][/img] Being a pure-bred werewolf, that is to say Felix was born a lycan and has been for his whole life, gives him an upper-hand in the world. He is faster, stronger, and larger than common wolves, but his frenzies are also more dangerous. Not to mention, his bloodlust and hunting instincts kick in far more easily with less stimulus, which can often prove a risk to himself if not kept under proper control. He is formidable in size and has some fighting ability, making him an intimidating presence. Personality: Felix is diplomatic above all else, his record of being able to diffuse situations precedes him often. Inside his pack, his region, and over his entire species he has always had a way of carrying a peaceful air about him. He was a natural-born leader and there was no contest when his predecessor chose him to take the second seat of the delegation of the Council of Shadows. He is charismatic and friendly, loved even by the other spokespeople of the other species of the Council. Brief History: The wolf was born to two werewolves along with his nearly-identical brother, Adrian. Their parents were growing in years upon the boys’ births and have been dead for quite a while now. They were inducted into the highest pack of their species at a surprisingly young age – though it was likely more that Felix was accepted and Adrian was simply brought along as his brother. Felix quickly showed himself to be adaptive, intelligent, and in-control. He was named as one of the youngest werewolf delegates in the history of the Council of Shadows, taking the seat beside his Alpha. The older werewolf would retire some decades later and, while Felix was considered the more capable brother, Adrian would be set to take the other space. Their complementary attributes would have allowed them to work well together in the delegation and perhaps further strengthen the council’s Golden Age, even in their youth.