"Shit." Mikkish said, approaching the shattered window. Before he reached it, however, a knock came to the door. He was in trouble. "Fuck!" Mikkish barked, but in a hushed voice. He turned to Leon "Hey it your gun, and considering we're on a school campus I would say you're in as bad a situation as me right now. I'm just sayin. I mean, do what you want, but I'm outta here." And with that, Mikkish knocked away the glass shards that might cut him, and jumped to the other side of the window, still clutching the the windowsill from the outside to stop from falling. He looked to see if there was anything he could grab onto to climb down safely, when he saw David's bleeding body laying in the grass. "SHIT!!" Mikkish yelled, his fingers slipping from the shock, not of having killed a person, but of knowing he was probably in big trouble. Luckily (or maybe not) for Mikkish, he hit tree branches on the way down, which hurt, and the branches snapped, but it broke his fall enough so he didn't break any limbs. He did, however, twist his ankle when he hit the ground, so when he finally landed on the grass, he knelt on his knees, moaning with pain.