[color=red]Herme---Mercury[/color] Herme threw her head back, a single tear running down her face as she spoke in a hurried, defeated tone, "Greg, how could you do this to me! I loved you more than anyone else in the world and you had to run to Samantha? Was there something she could give you that I couldn't? Is it something wrong with my face? It's something wrong with my face, isn't it?" The elderly man who stood before her wore a tight Hawaiian shirt that was just a little too form revealing, and the thoughts that were running through his head were probably thoughts of utter confusion. "Ma'am do I know you?" At these words Herme drew her arm back and slapped him across the face. "Gregory how dare you! You... you've already forgotten me? After all we went through together? You're a disgrace to the human race! Go dig your own grave!" With his face, now quite red the old man began to grow angrier with each passing second. "Look lady, I came into this store to buy a tv. Leave me to shop at my leisure before I sue for assault and harassment, and frankly my name isn't even Greg, it's Richard Irelo Samuel Bighe. Leave-me-be" Herme threw her head to the side, betrayal etched into every line on her face. "Greg... you're too cruel," she said with a whimper before rushing out of the store, sobbing as tears streamed down her face. She ran and ran, and when she was out of eye shot of the tv store instantly turned off the water works, and began chuckling to herself almost menacingly. Herme stopped running as soon as she came to a chain link fence, standing eight feet high and blocking her pathway into the alley, it would deter the average person. However, she wasn't average. She grabbed the fence, pushed off the ground with her feet, bending her wrists at an impossible angle, she flung her legs up and vaulted backwards over the fence, landing smoothly on the other side. She looked back at the fence and noticed that the metal had begun to dissolve here she'd placed her hands. "A chain link fence not made of iron? When did this become a thing?" She said, twisting her head sideways, staring at it with a puzzled expression. She pulled out Richards phone and did a quick search on the internet. "Huh, so they started using aluminum for fences in some places in New York? Weird."